

  • (2014) The Cowpox of Doubt | Slate Star Codex

    I worry that we are vaccinating people against reading the research for themselves instead of trusting smarmy bloggers who talk about how stupid the other side is. That we are vaccinating people against thinking there might be important truths on both sides of an issue. That we are vaccinating people against understanding how “scientific evidence” is a really complicated concept, and that many things that are in peer-reviewed journals will later turn out to be wrong. That we are vaccinating people against the idea that many theories they find absurd or repugnant at first will later turn out to be true, because nature doesn’t respect our feelings. That we are vaccinating people against doubt.


  • FBI Opens Criminal Investigation into Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the deadly collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge that is focused on the circumstances leading up to it and whether all federal laws were followed, according to a person familiar with the matter. The person was not authorized to discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity to The Associated Press. The FBI was present aboard the cargo ship Dali conducting court authorized law enforcement activity, the agency said in a statement Monday. The investigation was first reported by The Washington Post. And on Monday, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced a partnership with two law firms to “launch legal action to hold the wrongdoers responsible” and mitigate harm to city residents.

  • David Chang and Momofuku will no longer enforce 'chili crunch' trademark

  • The Birth of Israel - by M. E. Rothwell - Cosmographia

    Simultaneous to the Canaanite decline, we see two new groups emerge. The first appear on the flat fertile plains of the southern coast, where they seem to have peacefully settled into cities like Ashkelon, Ekron, and Gath. These were immigrants, a population of the Sea Peoples from the Aegean, whom we now know as the Philistines.

    The other group appear among the highlands on both sides of the Jordan River. They lived in rudimentary longhouses, forming settlements of no more than a hundred people. Their material culture was basic, their pottery undecorated, and their economy based on grain, livestock, and olive cultivation. It was these people whom Merneptah named in his granite stele. It was these people whom he called Israel.


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Britain Confronts the Shaky Evidence for Youth Gender Medicine - The Atlantic

    In a world without partisan politics, the Cass report on youth gender medicine would prompt serious reflection from American trans-rights activists, their supporters in the media, and the doctors and institutions offering hormonal and surgical treatments to minors. At the request of the English National Health Service, the senior pediatrician Hilary Cass has completed the most thorough consideration yet of this field, and her report calmly and carefully demolishes many common activist tropes. Puberty blockers do have side effects, Cass found. The evidence base for widely used treatments is “shaky.” Their safety and effectiveness are not settled science.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Citizenship Privilege Harms Science

    Imagine you want to attend a research conference in the United States this autumn. If you are from most nations in the global north, there’s probably still plenty of time to make arrangements. But, according to our analysis, citizens from 132 of the 134 countries in the global south need a visa to visit the United States, whereas this is true for people from only 20 of the 61 countries in the global north. (See Supplementary information for how we designated global south countries.) And obtaining those visas is not straightforward: as of 4 April, the next available appointment at the US consulate in New Delhi, India, is not until October. It’s February 2025 at the consulate in Cotonou, Benin, and March 2026 in Bogotá, Colombia.

    It’s not just trips to the United States that are problematic. Scholars from the global south face obstacles when travelling to many hotspots for scientific research, which include Canada, Japan and most European countries. By contrast, citizens from more than 80% of countries in the global north need no visa to go to Germany or Japan.

  • Journal editors are resigning en masse: what do these group exits achieve?

  • Research for Sale: How Chinese Money Flows to American Universities

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

  • Orwell Watch: NPR and the Death of Fairness

    this wasn’t about “bias.” It was about ethics, or a lack of them. But this has been going on for so long, most people have forgotten what ethics look like. Audiences have been trained to think that a station or person that doesn’t make overtly political coverage decisions is just hiding its real biases, which must be either right-wing, corrupt, or both. So someone like Berliner, when he talks about feeling “obliged” to cover even Donald Trump fairly, is actually just concealing a form of unfairness, or inspiring another tribe of unfair actors. Fair equals unfair. It’s impressive propaganda, actually.

  • Apple loses top phonemaker spot to Samsung

  • Sony's PS5 Pro is real and developers are getting ready for it

  • Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls

  • Telecom fights price caps as U.S. spends billions on internet access

  • Roku makes 2FA mandatory for all after nearly 600K accounts pwned

  • The Life and Death of Hollywood, by Daniel Bessner (Archive

    The film and TV industry is now controlled by only four major companies, and it is shot through with incentives to devalue the actual production of film and television. What is to be done? The most direct solution would be government intervention. If it wanted to, a presidential administration could enforce existing antitrust law, break up the conglomerates, and begin to pull entertainment companies loose from asset-management firms. It could regulate the use of financial tools, as deWaard has suggested; it could rein in private equity. The government could also increase competition directly by funding more public film and television. It could establish a universal basic income for artists and writers.

    None of this is likely to happen. The entertainment and finance industries spend enormous sums lobbying both parties to maintain deregulation and prioritize the private sector.

    • The remnant rump of old media is dying, it needs government support and "UBI for artists and writers"... Meanwhile new media is full of new names making money and pleasing audiences who are wondering why Old media got so stuffy and boring. that's not worth figuring into the story because it might derail the narrative: that the concentration of power among the old media elite is bad and must be solved with further central control.
  • Windows 11 adding ads to Start Menu

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Health / Medicine