


  • The Great Flattening

    Today that exhortation might run in the opposite direction: in our angst about the removal of specialness and our eagerness to criticize the bad, we ought not lose sight of the potential good. Start with this site that you are reading: yes, the Internet commoditized content that was previously granted value by virtue of being bundled with a light manufacturing business (i.e. printing presses and delivery trucks), but it also created the opportunity for entirely new kinds of content predicated on reaching niche audiences that are only sustainable when the entire world is your market.

  • 2.4M person study: Internet use boosts, not hurts, well being

  • Why Do So Many Parents Think Kids Need Their Own Bedroom?

  • The rage epidemic: is our modern world fuelling aggression?

  • Sexism, cheating, and nightclubs: inside the dark heart of modern chess

  • How Good, Kind, Caring People Became The Bad Guys

    You have to achieve a fine balance between sugar coating and blunt honesty. Above all, you have to anticipate that all of your hard work won't achieve the results you want in the short term. It takes a long time. A lot of people won't listen at first. You often have to trick people into doing the right thing. It's exhausting. t takes a lot out of you to be respectful to idiots all day long, especially when many of them go out of their way to do you harm.

    It's all hard, because every single minute matters now. We don't have decades to change public thought. The plagues are getting worse and more frequent. The climate collapse is accelerating. The weather is getting more extreme. People are dying from heatstroke in the thousands now. They're getting swept away in crash floods. They're getting blown out of their apartments by typhoon-strength winds in the middle of the night. Every disease we ever dealt with is now converging on our weakened immune systems. Our politicians spent the last year whining about TikTok while letting yet another zoonotic disease run rampant. The last threads of democracy are unraveling right in front of us.

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • House Committee Report Exposes Global Social Media Censorship Regime

    According to new documents put forward by the United States House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, the government of Brazil has been issuing censorship orders to X and other US-based social media platforms. The report in question is titled “The Attack on Free Speech Abroad and the Biden Administration’s Silence: The Case Of Brazil.” The second part of this report highlighted that as recently as in April, X, in addition to Rumble, were served a total of ten orders to implement censorship policies on accounts. In Rumble’s case, it was served 9 censorship orders. Both companies rejected these orders.

  • The Global Hate-Speech Conundrum

  • A prime example of Wikipedia being one of the fronts in this Info War

    As a reminder, Robert Malley, who was Obama’s top Middle East advisor and responsible for negotiating his nuclear deal with Iran. Who was also Biden’s top negotiator with Iran. Who stole classified documents which were then given away. Had Yasser Arafat as his unofficial godfather. This important detail was conveniently scrubbed from Robert Malley’s Wiki page, but not from his father’s.

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

  • Inside the unusually aggressive Arizona grand jury that indicted Trump’s allies - POLITICO

    The Arizona grand jury that recently indicted 18 people for their roles in former President Donald Trump’s scheme to subvert the 2020 election cast a far wider net than state prosecutors had publicly foreshadowed. The panel of 16 Arizonans displayed unusual independence from the prosecutors supervising the investigation, according to a rare inside look at the secret proceedings based on interviews with eight people familiar with the probe and documents signed by a top prosecutor.

    The grand jury took aggressive steps to haul in witnesses and even brought charges against some who had been told by prosecutors they were not under investigation. It ultimately produced a 58-page indictment last month that charged national and state Republicans — including one of Trump’s current top advisers and several former members of his inner circle — with felonies for their alleged roles in the effort to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state. Trump himself was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator. Documents reviewed by POLITICO reveal that at least two of the 18 people charged — former Trump lawyers Jenna Ellis and Christina Bobb — were assured by prosecutors that they were not targets of the probe, only to learn that the grand jury indicted them anyway. In fact, a letter that a prosecutor sent to Ellis just days before the indictment appeared to significantly understate her legal jeopardy.

  • Trump leads his supporters in vulgar chants at Jersey Shore rally.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Populism Is the Voice of the Voiceless

  • Opinion | Biden Is Doing It All Wrong - The New York Times

    I’ve spent decades looking at the behavior of swing voters and how candidates appeal to them, including for Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996. If Mr. Biden wants to serve another four years, he has to stop being dragged to the left and chart a different course closer to the center that appeals to those voters who favor bipartisan compromises to our core issues, fiscal discipline and a strong America.

    People usually assume that turning out so-called base voters in an election matters most, since swing voters are fewer in number. And it’s true that in today’s polarized environment, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump each has about 40 percent of the country in their bases already and nothing will change those people’s minds. But in that remaining 20 percent of the electorate, swing voters have disproportionate power because of their potential to switch. It’s simple math: Take an electorate of 10 voters in an election tied 5 to 5. If one voter swings, the margin becomes 6 to 4. Two voters then need to be turned out just to tie it up and a third one is needed to win.

  • Psaki's new book falsely recounts Biden's watch check in ceremony for fallen soldiers

    Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki claims in her new book that President Biden never looked at his watch during the ceremony for soldiers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — contradicting news photos and firsthand accounts of Gold Star families.

    Why it matters: In TV ads and social media posts, Donald Trump and his allies repeatedly have used images of Biden checking his watch during the ceremony to try to undermine the president's brand as an empathetic leader. Psaki's book is the latest instance of current and former Biden administration officials downplaying or misrepresenting controversial episodes from the Afghanistan withdrawal ahead of the 2024 election.

  • Major airlines sue Biden administration over fee disclosure rule

  • Bipartisan Bill To Repeal Section 230 Defended In Facts-Optional Op-Ed | Techdirt

    If you are holding companies liable for third-party speech, you run into all of the problems we describe above: fewer companies willing to host any speech, and the few that do either moderating so heavily as to make them useless, or looking the other way entirely to avoid the requisite knowledge.

  • (Feb 2024) Navigating the Kill Switch Law

    The Kill Switch law, officially known as Section 24220 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, is a groundbreaking piece of legislation aimed at enhancing driver safety and reducing car theft. It does this by mandating the incorporation of ‘impaired driving prevention technology’ into new passenger vehicles, effectively introducing a remote car battery switch into our cars to kill switch protect us and our vehicles. For the general public, this legislation brings about a new era of safety and control over our modern automobiles. But it’s not just us, the drivers, who are affected. The automotive industry is also facing significant changes, with manufacturers required to meet new standards and adapt to vehicle designs that include these kill switches and their associated technologies.

    • "a new era of safety and control over our modern automobiles" ... but its not you in control.
  • Snopes reverses ‘fact check’ after Ashley Biden reveals in letter to judge her stolen diary is authentic | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

    Snopes has reversed their previous "fact-check" which claimed that a diary purported to have been written by the president's daughter Ashley Biden was a unproven to be authentic, indicating it was a fake. In a letter provided by Ashley Biden to a court during sentencing of those convicted for having stolen the diary, Biden herself confirmed the diary's authenticity.

  • TWRA loses appeal to continue wildlife protection under Open Fields Doctrine

    in an appeal of a previous court ruling on the lawsuit filed on behalf of Terry Rainwaters and Hunter Hollingsworth, the court has said, "what the TWRA is arguing is reasonable, stands in opposition to the restraint upon unreasonable searches and seizures that emerged from the American colonial era in opposition to arbitrary British search practices." When told of the ruling against TWRA, retired Marion County game warden Mike Bailey had some choice words for the appeals court judges we can't share here.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security
