


Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

  • Trump Says He Will Reverse Protections for LGBTQ Kids on "Day One" If Reelected

  • "doxxing" is when someone does it to them? US university lecturer behind far-right Twitter account and publishing house

    A Guardian investigation has identified former University of California, Irvine (UCI) lecturer Jonathan Keeperman as the man behind the prominent “new right” publishing house Passage Press and the influential Twitter persona Lomez. The identification is based on company and property records, source interviews and open-source online materials. The reporting has revealed that Keeperman’s current status as a key player and influential tastemaker in a burgeoning proto-fascist movement came after years of involvement in far-right internet forums.

  • Election 2024: Trump Economic Outlook Is More Inflation, Less Sanity - Bloomberg

    If the former president’s stated agenda is any indication, inflation is likely to make a roaring comeback.

    Tariffs, one of Trump’s only consistent enthusiasms, are a sure thing. Starting in 2018, his administration imposed several rounds of duties, prompting predictable retaliation. Combined, these measures eliminated jobs, slashed incomes and cost consumers about $51 billion annually. Now Trump wants to impose tariffs of 60% on Chinese-made products and 10% on other imports. Bloomberg Economics estimates that this would raise consumer prices by 2.5% over two years and reduce growth by 0.5%. Trump has also promised a 100% duty on imported cars. Details TBD — one analyst describes the likely effect as “catastrophic” — but the point is that trade wars of this kind are always prone to raising prices.

    • see the "gubmint" news, where Biden just announced a 100% duty on Chinese cars, among other things. after at least a week of news tease.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security