

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

  • The Rise and Fall of the Trad Wife

    Pettitt didn’t use the term “trad wife,” but it didn’t take long for others to link her to what was, at this point, still a niche social-media meme. Her pronouncements, on marriage especially, provoked outrage among women, including newspaper columnists and viewers who waded online to air their responses. (It’s “like a frilly version of fascism,” one YouTube commenter said.) In the press, some made the link between the American trad wives and the alt-right or even white supremacists, who, Hadley Freeman wrote in the Guardian, “are extremely down with the message that white women should submit to their husband and focus on making as many white babies as possible.”

    The association with such content, whether by accident or design, is hard to escape. Ever since Pettitt’s first BBC interview, in 2020, she found herself having to convince radio hosts that she is neither homophobic nor racist. She became “very stressed about communicating quite strongly with news outlets” that she was not associated with the alt-right. More generally, she felt such discussions distracted from her point: “I’m there to talk about my role in the home and my marriage dynamic, not whether I’m anti-vax or pro-vax or who I vote for.”

    At the core of Pettitt’s frustration seemed to lie a belief that her values were apolitical. And yet politics exist in any space where there is more than one person, especially if those people share duties and money. As the author Phyllis Rose put it in her introduction to “Parallel Lives,” an account of five Victorian marriages, marriage is “the primary political experience in which most of us engage as adults.” Never mind your views on reproductive rights or financial independence: being a wife of any kind is a political act.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • (PDF) FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Reporting on BGP Risk Mitigation

  • Computer doused in exotic chemicals produced super-problems • The Register

    The Register finds that profoundly disappointing. Everything we've been taught about late night institutional accidents involving unknown chemicals, big machines, and electricity suggests that this incident should not have ended with a dead computer. Adam should have entered the room and been struck by an eldritch spark that fused his consciousness with the computer's newly sentient circuitry, raised to miraculous life by the drip of chemicals. The resulting hybrid organism would then devise miracle cures for the plucky and deserving patients of the hospital. Or perhaps it would commit mayhem that put unfortunate patients in the hospital. Whatever it got up to, the Adam/DEC entity would endlessly struggle to reconcile its human passions and machine constraints.

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

  • Omnispace reports interference from Starlink direct-to-device payloads

    During a panel at the International Telecoms Week conference here May 16, George Giagtzoglou, vice president of strategy at Omnispace, said his company now had “empirical evidence” of increased noise in S-band from Starlink satellites that have payloads operating on similar frequencies. “We’ve talked in the past about there being academic evidence, engineering studies. What we are actually seeing now with those satellites in operation is empirical evidence,” he said. “You see the noise floor on our satellites increase to the degree that services cannot be provided.”

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • 2 people in ICE custody after attempting to breach Virginia Marine base

    “When asked, the operator of the truck informed the military police officers they worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon and were making a delivery to the U.S. Post Office located in the Town of Quantico,” Curtis said in the statement. Because the two had no affiliation with the Marine base and no credentials to enter it, military police officers directed them to go to a holding area to undergo standard vetting procedures, according to Curtis. But the driver blew past the holding area and attempted to drive onto the base.

    Potomac Local News, which first reported the attempted breach, reported hearing from multiple unnamed sources that one of the truck’s occupants was a Jordanian national who had recently crossed the southern border into the United States and that one occupant was on the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list.

  • New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda