




Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

  • A Lesson From Covid on How to Destroy Public Trust - The New York Times

    Big chunks of the history of the Covid pandemic were rewritten over the last month or so in a way that will have terrible consequences for many years to come. Under questioning by a congressional subcommittee, top officials from the National Institutes of Health, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, acknowledged that some key parts of the public health guidance their agencies promoted during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic were not backed up by solid science. What’s more, inconvenient information was kept from the public — suppressed, denied or disparaged as crackpot nonsense.

    Remember the rule that we should all stay at least six feet apart? “It sort of just appeared,” Fauci said during a preliminary interview for the subcommittee hearing, adding that he “was not aware of any studies” that supported it. Remember the insistence that the virus was primarily spread by droplets that quickly fell to the floor? During his recent public hearing, he acknowledged that to the contrary, the virus is airborne. As for the repeated assertion that Covid originated in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China, not in an infectious diseases laboratory there, N.I.H. officials were privately expressing alarm over that lab’s lax biosafety practices and risky research. In his public testimony, Fauci conceded that even now there “has not been definitive proof one way or the other” of Covid-19’s origins.

  • Study: Young athletes at risk for elevated blood pressure rates, future cardiovascular complications.

  • How Much Worse Would a Bird-Flu Pandemic Be?

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • The Weird Nerd comes with trade-offs - by Ruxandra Teslo

    there is a trend wherein Weird Nerds are being driven out of academia by the so-called Failed Corporatist phenotype. Katalin Karikó is a perfect example of a Weird Nerd. I recently argued that many Weird Nerds (I called them autistics, but people really hated that2), have found a refuge on the Internet, where their strengths are amplified and their weaknesses are less important. There, I make the case for why these people are uniquely suited for creative intellectual endeavours and why they might slip through the cracks in a lot of normal jobs. Judging from a (short) lifetime of personal observations as well as the vitriol launched at Kariko for daring to not be “normal”, I suspect some explicit pro-Weird Nerd norms have to exist in an institution that seeks to properly utilize these people, for the benefit of us all. To formalize this: “Any system that is not explicitly pro-Weird Nerd will turn anti-Weird Nerd pretty quickly.”

  • An Anonymous-Messaging App Upended This High School

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

  • Nintendo and Sega Raid ROM Sanctuary to Remove Tons of Classic Games

  • Adults and teens turn to 'dumbphones' to cut screen time

  • Wikimedia Foundation publishes its Form 990 for fiscal year 2022–2023

  • OralB Takes Alexa Feature Away from Its Toothbrush 4 Years After Selling Them

  • Windows won't take screenshots of everything you do after all, unless you opt in

  • The Baffling Disaster Unfolding at the Washington Post

    While Lewis has challenged the Times’ characterization of his meeting with Buzbee, it is still pretty embarrassing for the Post to have its publisher and CEO accused of attempting to interfere with a story that reflected poorly on him. (He reportedly also tried to quash a story at NPR.) I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that saga is more embarrassing than Lewis’ recently announced turnaround plan for the beleaguered newspaper. It’s called the “ ‘Build It’ plan,” and the “it” that Lewis hopes to build is a forward-looking “third newsroom” at the Post: an entity focused on service journalism and social media, meant to appeal to people “who feel traditional news is not for them but still want to be kept informed.” (Lewis reportedly wanted to change Buzbee’s role and put her in charge of this third newsroom—a move that Buzbee reasonably saw as a demotion.) According to a Post press release, the Build It plan will incorporate “video storytelling” and “flexible payment methods.” As you might guess, the plan will also make use of A.I.

  • That Much-Despised Apple Ad Could Be More Disturbing Than It Looks - The New York Times

    A team of experienced, well-paid professionals spent months refining a strategy. Ideas were pitched, culled, refined, mocked up. Eventually, after countless steps, a winner emerged, and somehow it was this. They could have depicted all that gear being cheerfully shrunken and squeezed into one iPad, awaiting creative fun. Instead, they went with just demolishing it all. Did no one point out that people are increasingly wary of tech companies’ impact on the creative professions? That people have soured on Silicon Valley’s apparent desire to monetize human creativity in as many ways as possible, from extractive streaming arrangements to harvesting human-made art as A.I.-training material? Did no one sense how bad this would look? It’s not just that the ad is a car crash — it’s that the people who poured so much work and money into something so off-putting appear to have thought they were orchestrating a parade.

    we may come to see the harsh repulsiveness of “Crush!” as a useful gift — a reminder of the sort of rot to look out for as ad makers learn from their mistakes. We’re used to distrusting ads because of their tendency to deceive. “Crush!” might be something different: an unintentional artifact of the truth, not yet compressed beyond recognition by the machine.

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Always worthy: absorptions: Ultrasonic investigations in shopping centres

    Whatever the case, I learned that they are called pilot tones. Many multi-loudspeaker PA systems (like the Zenitel VPA) employ these roughly 20-kilohertz tones to continuously measure the system's health status: no pilot tone means no connection to a loudspeaker. It's usually set to a very high frequency, inaudible to humans, to avoid disturbing customers.

    However, these tones are powerful and some people will still hear them, especially if the frequency gets below 20 kHz. There is one such system at 19.595 kHz in my city; it's marked green in the graph above. I've heard of several other people that also hear the sound. I don't believe it to be a sonic weapon like The Mosquito; those use even lower frequencies, down to 17 kHz. It's probably just a misconfiguration that was never fixed because the people working on it couldn't experientially confirm any issue with it.

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Pro-Palestinian protesters surround White House, clash with police

    It gets boring to play these “what if?” games, but that they are boring does not mean that they aren’t necessary or true. What if the people who did this had been right-wingers? What if they’d been wearing MAGA hats? What if, instead of describing leftists, this paragraph described figures who could be ideologically associated with the other team?

    We all know the answers to these questions. There would have been mass arrests — and mass hysteria to go along with it. We’d have had wall-to-wall coverage in the press, an endless supply of furrowed opinion pieces in the newspapers, and the delivery of hundreds of new “expert” theories confirming the intrinsic link between right-of-center views and murderous hyperbole. As it is, I’ve had to search quite hard to find out what happened yesterday, and most of the photographs and videos I’ve seen were taken not by TV stations or newspapers but by amateurs on Twitter. There is a reason that I’ve used NBC’s report twice in this post: I couldn’t find an equivalent on the homepages of CNN, the BBC, the New York Times, or the supposedly D.C.-oriented Washington Post.

  • Why California Is Swinging Right on Crime

  • IRS Launches Last-Minute Audits Aimed at Puerto Rico Tax Abuses

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security



Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda