

  • The (De)Population Bomb - by George MF Washington

    A declining population is catastrophic for the Leftist project. For one thing, it threatens to destroy the welfare state Ponzi scheme, which is dependent on an ever-growing supply of young workers to pay into the system. For another, a declining population reduces the chances that the human race will produce the sort of game-changing scientists and entrepreneurs who will one day develop the ability to solve complex environmental problems without bankrupting all the nations of the Earth and casting billions into poverty and despair. The way I see it, there’s really only one option left if we want to save the planet… Sex!

    What we need is a crash program moonshot effort to get people making babies again. And Hollywood will need to be at the tip of that spear, too. I think it’s time for the sex comedy (“Porky’s”, “Revenge of the Nerds”, “Risky Business, “American Pie”) and the erotic thriller (“Jagged Edge”, “Body Double”, “Fatal Attraction”, “Basic Instinct”) to make a triumphant return to America’s movie theaters.


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • US examines carbon pricing on imports, climate envoy says

    The US is examining a potential carbon pricing system on imports among a “range of options”, its most senior climate diplomat said, in what would be a key policy shift as it looks to combat Chinese industrial competition and cut emissions. John Podesta said the US would fight against “freeriding” by foreign producers of carbon-intensive industrial imports, in an interview with the Financial Times in London. “We’re not going to just give up our industrial base to people who are dumping carbon and freeriding on a system that doesn’t account for, and in fact, kind of subsidises the dumping of high carbon production cost into open markets,” he said.

  • Washington replaces reconnaissance drones over the Black Sea with manned Jet