


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Interesting contrast with he warnings about Russian propaganda efforts. Director of National Intelligence on Recent Iranian Influence Efforts

    Iran is becoming increasingly aggressive in their foreign influence efforts, seeking to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions, as we have seen them do in the past, including in prior election cycles. They continue to adapt their cyber and influence activities, using social media platforms and issuing threats. It is likely they will continue to rely on their intelligence services in these efforts, as well as Iran-based online influencers, to promote their narratives.

    In recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years. We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.

    I want to be clear that I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza – this intelligence does not indicate otherwise. Moreover, the freedom to express diverse views, when done peacefully, is essential to our democracy, but it is also important to warn of foreign actors who seek to exploit our debate for their own purposes.

  • Report: Global Companies Colluded To Censor Conservatives

    When Elon Musk took over Twitter and turned it into X, GARM, at the behest of Rakowitz, organized a boycott among its members to prevent advertisers from spending their money there. Rakowitz denied his role in the coordinated campaign against Musk’s free speech efforts in a transcribed interview with Republican investigators, but documents obtained by the committee indicate he “took credit for Twitter’s revenue decline.”

    GARM applied similar tactics against “The Joe Rogan Experience” in 2022 after Steer Team member Joe Barone of GroupM determined that advertisers and platforms like Spotify should be concerned about the alleged “misinformation” about Covid-19 shots touted by the top podcaster. The committee noted that “GroupM knew there was no brand safety concern because it did not buy advertisements on Mr. Rogan’s podcast, but it still sought to silence Mr. Rogan’s views anyway” by bringing their concerns to GARM.

    Coca-Cola also approached GARM about Spotify and Rogan’s show. Rakowitz “indicated he could not collectively tell every GARM member what to do” because it “gets us into hot water by way of anticompetitive and collusive behaviors,” so “instead, he advised GARM members individually what to do, effectively aligning all GARM members.”

  • FOIA Files: Clemson University - by James Rushmore

  • How Islamic State uses AI to spread extremist propaganda


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • How Watermelon Cupcakes Kicked Off an Internal Storm at Meta | WIRED

    But when a club for Muslim workers revealed plans to spend $200 in company funds to serve nine dozen cupcakes in watermelon colors at the event, Meta management called the offering disruptive and demanded the group go another route—such as “traditional Muslim sweets,” a staffer overseeing internal community relations wrote in a chat to an organizer. “Watermelon references or imagery should not be included as part of materials or giveaways (e.g. cupcakes).” The dispute over workplace treats, which two employees described to WIRED and a third posted about publicly on Instagram, is emblematic of the deep ruptures carved across the tech industry by the ongoing war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

  • A Hundred Years of Mocking Vegetarians

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

  • Manufacturers slow Gen AI rollout on rising accuracy concerns, says study

  • AI boom risk: Can the power grid handle the technology's meteoric rise?

  • If AI chatbots are the future, I hate it

  • On Open-Weights Foundation Models | Federal Trade Commission

    But open-weights models also pose additional risks to consumers over centralized closed models. The lowered costs and barriers to retraining and redistributing models extends not only to well-meaning companies but also to malicious actors scaling up spam, scams, and other harmful uses. Malicious uses vary by particular model and modality (text, image, audio, video, etc.), and the marginal added risk of open-weights models (over existing technologies or over AI models generally) is under active research

    But certain open-weights models have already enabled concrete harms, particularly in the area of nonconsensual intimate imagery and child sexual abuse material. While model developers may add technical guardrails to their systems – training the model to avoid generating content unwanted by the developer such as inaccurate, illegal, or abusive content – these precautions are not currently robust against persistent bad actors, and they can be defeated by prompting or fine-tuning such that the model “un-learns” the guardrails. How to train more robust protections into open-weights models remains an area of ongoing research.

    • Outlawing encryption worked so well, let's try outlawing static data sets. DeCSS fit on a tshirt; it'll probably take a bit more code to derive any given set of naughty weights or other verboten data from Pi.

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • IRS collected $1B in back taxes from millionaires in less than a year

  • US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge rules

    A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption. U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, an appointee of Republican former President Donald Trump in Fort Worth, on Wednesday agreed with the Hobby Distillers Association's lawyers that the longstanding ban exceeded Congress's taxing power and ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause. He issued a permanent injunction barring the ban from being enforced against the Hobby Distillers Association's members but stayed his decision for 14 days so the government could seek a stay at the appellate court level.

  • Texas Lt. Gov. Accuses Biden of Politicizing Hurricane Beryl Response

    “I've been trying to track down the governor to see — I don't have any authority to do that without a specific request from the governor,” Biden told The Houston Chronicle of distributing emergency relief supplies.

  • Karine Jean-Pierre admits giving false information about Biden neurology visit after outcry over health misdirection.

  • Exclusive: House Oversight subpoenas top Biden aides over his mental fitness

    The GOP-led House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three senior White House aides Wednesday, demanding they sit for depositions regarding President Biden's health, according to letters obtained by Axios. The subpoenas signal Republicans' desire to investigate whether some of Biden's closest aides essentially have hidden the 81-year-old president's true condition, in a probe that could drag through the Nov. 5 election.

    Oversight chair James Comer (R-Ky.) subpoenaed First Lady Jill Biden's top aide Anthony Bernal, deputy chief of staff Annie Tomasini, and senior adviser Ashley Williams, according to the letters. Comer writes that the committee is "concerned" that each official is "one of several White House staffers who have taken it upon themselves to run the country while the President cannot." In his letter to Bernal — whose influence extends well beyond the first lady's office — Comer wrote: The "Committee seeks to understand the extent of Mr. Bernal's influence over the President and his knowledge of whether the President is personally discharging the duties of his office."

  • NBC host Chuck Todd makes explosive claim Biden cabinet secretary told him TWO YEARS ago that Joe ‘can’t run again.’

  • What Do You Do with a Failed Coup? | City Journal

    Before the debate (BD), virtually every Democrat and most in the media assured us that Biden was totally up to the job. In case you’ve already forgotten the long-ago BD era that ended a few weeks ago, Matt Orfalea has compiled a brilliant video compilation of these folks claiming that Biden was “sharp as a tack,” or variations on this phrase. But just moments into the AD (after the debate) era, the dam broke and almost every media outlet and figure, even Biden superfan Joe Scarborough, turned on him. The same gang who have been warning us about the threat to democracy posed by Donald Trump, all suddenly determined that the 14 million votes Biden got (87 percent of those cast) in the primary process (admittedly rigged in his favor) didn’t matter. He needed to step down because they said so.

    Of course, being the president of a democratic country, Biden doesn’t have all the tools these authoritarian leaders have at their disposal. He can’t singlehandedly rig elections, shut down independent media, imprison enemies, and terrorize the populace like a proper dictator. And yet, repression wasn’t the key factor that enabled these dictators to survive coup attempts and cling to power. Each was able to retain the loyalty of people who mattered—rank and file soldiers, party leaders, tribal elders, and so on. Biden has sagely done much the same during his five decades in politics. The media has deserted him, but key Democrats and Democratic constituencies (unions, the Congressional Black Caucus) have not.

  • Act of Desperation? Biden’s Team Checks Delegates for Loyalty - POLITICO

    President Biden’s aides are telephoning individual delegates to next month’s Democratic convention to gauge their loyalty to the president, according to three delegates who received a call this week. After a round of introductory questions confirming each delegate was still planning on going to Chicago and asking if they had served as delegate before, the Biden aide making the calls got to the point, the Democratic activists recalled to me in separate interviews.

  • Some Biden Advisers Are Discussing How to Convince Him to Step Aside - The New York Times

    A small group of Mr. Biden’s advisers in the administration and the campaign — at least two of whom have told allies that they do not believe he should keep trying to run for a second term — have said they would have to convince the president of several things. They said they have to make the case to the president, who remains convinced of the strength of his campaign, that he cannot win against former President Donald J. Trump. They have to persuade him to believe that another candidate, like Vice President Kamala Harris, could beat Mr. Trump. And they have to assure Mr. Biden that, should he step aside, the process to choose another candidate would be orderly and not devolve into chaos in the Democratic Party. Those discussions were recounted by three people familiar with them who, like others in this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive situation. There is no indication that any of the discussions have reached Mr. Biden himself, one of the informed people said.

  • The Embattled Biden Campaign Tests Kamala Harris’s Strength vs. Trump - The New York Times

    Under siege from fellow Democrats, President Biden’s campaign is quietly testing the strength of Vice President Kamala Harris against former President Donald J. Trump in a head-to-head survey of voters, as Mr. Biden fights for his political future with a high-stakes news conference on Thursday. The survey, which is being conducted this week and was commissioned by the Biden campaign’s analytics team, is believed to be the first time since the debate that Mr. Biden’s aides have sought to measure how the vice president would fare at the top of the ticket. It was described by three people who are informed about it and insisted on anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information. They did not specify why the survey was being conducted or what the campaign planned to do with the results. It could be read as the team gathering information to present a case to the president that his path forward is slim, or to argue that Mr. Biden is still the strongest standard-bearer for his party.

  • ABC’s brutal ultimatum to George Stephanopoulos after his damning verdict on Joe Biden – as network plunged into ‘fully fledged crisis.’

  • Biden campaign fundraising takes a major hit: 'It's already disastrous'

    President Joe Biden’s campaign has already suffered a major slowdown in donations and officials are bracing for a seismic fundraising hit, with the fallout from a debate nearly two weeks ago taking a sizable toll on operations, according to four sources close to the re-election effort. “It’s already disastrous,” one of the sources close to Biden’s re-election said of fundraising. "The money has absolutely shut off," another source close to the re-election said.

  • Biden's high-stakes press conference: Mad media vs. unscripted president

    A red-hot press corps — which feels ignored, used and deceived — will get its first true unfiltered crack at grilling President Biden, the most media-sheltered president of modern times. "The dogs are loose," a Biden adviser told us. Biden, bitter over media coverage of his age and acuity, gets his shot at redemption — a chance to show the press and public he can think fast, handle the heat, and spar and speak improvisationally without glitching.

  • Milwaukee radio station says it agreed to edit interview with Biden

    Civic Media, a Wisconsin-based progressive talk-radio network, said Thursday it had agreed to make two edits to an interview with President Joe Biden at the request of his campaign before the broadcast aired, a decision the station said fell short of "journalistic interview standards." "On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired. Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed," the station said in a statement released on Thursday.

    The two edits, according to the station, were: + At time 5:20, the removal of “...and in addition to that, I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions.” + At time 14:15, in reference to Donald Trump’s call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, the removal of “I don’t know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he–but they said [...] convicted of murder.”

  • Biden poised for "deluge" of fresh calls from Capitol Hill to drop out

    House Democrats are poised to issue a flood of new statements urging Joe Biden to exit the 2024 race regardless of what happens at the president's NATO press conference, more than half a dozen lawmakers tell Axios. While some House Democrats view the press conference as a key hurdle for Biden to clear, "many have" already decided to urge Biden to withdraw, one lawmaker said.

  • Biden Aides Believe Obama Is Plotting Joe’s Ouster After Clooney Op-Ed

  • Biden Introduces Zelenskiy as 'President Putin' at NATO Summit

  • House Democrat suggests Biden should resign, says presidency 'must come to an end' | Fox News

    Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., previously said she believed Biden would lose to Trump, but now she is the 15th congressional Democrat to call on the president to end his re-election bid. "I’ve spent the past two weeks listening to my constituents express their concerns about the President’s age and health," she said in a statement to local outlet KGW

  • Angry and stunned Democrats blame Biden’s closest advisers for shielding public from full extent of president’s decline | CNN Politics

    “There is a marked difference in the president from the spring to the summer,” a senior Democrat told CNN. “He’s just not the same.” Back in Washington, there have been clear signs throughout his term of Biden being increasingly stage-managed, with lists of talking points, names of questioners and drawings of where he should walk presented to him by aides. Ahead of closed-door Cabinet meetings that Biden attends, it is customary for Cabinet officials to submit questions and key talking points that they plan to present in front of Biden ahead of time to White House aides, two sources with direct knowledge told CNN. “The entire display is kind of an act,” one of those sources told CNN. “They would come and say, ‘Hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in, and ask this question. What are the bullet points you’ll respond with?’”

    The second source, who echoed that same description, said when Biden attends Cabinet meetings, they are “not free-wheeling, and pretty well-orchestrated.” And the meetings themselves are infrequent, with one Cabinet secretary telling CNN they are uncertain of Biden’s condition because they so rarely see him. In fact, the last full Cabinet meeting took place on October 2, 2023. Sources also said Cabinet meetings during the Obama years, which Biden attended as vice president, were not pre-scripted this way.

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • Skilled immigration is a national security priority

    Even Donald Trump, for whom suspicion of immigration is a signature issue, recently declared on a podcast that he would give a green card to any foreigner who completed a college degree in the U.S. Trump’s campaign quickly walked back the remarks, but the idea was a good one, and it shows that Trump instinctively recognizes the importance of recruiting skilled global talent. The U.S. media has seen many calls for more skilled immigration – including plenty on this blog. But the national security implications of the issue often go unstated. And there also needs to be more discussion of concrete ways to get more skilled immigrants to the U.S.

  • How China and Russia could hobble the internet (Archive)

    Across Europe, Russian spies and their proxies have attacked Ukraine-linked targets, hacking into water utilities, setting fire to warehouses and plotting to strike American military bases in Germany. The fear is that underwater communications could be crippled in a crisis or in wartime, or tapped for secrets in peacetime. And as America and China joust for influence throughout Asia, undersea cables have become a crucial part of their competition.

    Even with better undersea surveillance and more redundancy in routes, the threat is unlikely to abate. Deep-sea cable cutting once required large naval investments. Increasingly capable naval drones are changing that. “The ability to operate at extreme depths may not be the sole preserve of major powers anymore,” says Sidharth Kaushal of RUSI, another think-tank. The challenge for smaller powers, he says, will often be identifying the precise route of cables. That can take years of peacetime surveillance. It is no wonder, then, that many Western governments would rather keep such details tightly under wraps.

  • FCC: Just 12% of US providers have completed rip and replace of ZTE, Huawei

  • America's space wars are our space wars



  • Netanyahu mulled Europe stopover but will fly directly to US amid ICC fears

  • Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza

    Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning. BBC News has spoken to 20 Palestinians living abroad who say Microsoft, which owns the voice and video chat app, kicked them out of their accounts. The total number affected is thought to be much higher. In some cases, these email accounts are more than 15 years old and the users have no way to retrieve emails, contacts or memories. Microsoft says they violated its terms of service - but will not say how - and the decision is final.

Russia Bad / Ukraine War

  • Russian Missile Attack Levels Children's Hospital

  • War in Ukraine: US and Germany Foiled Rehinmetall CEO Assisination Plot - Bloomberg

    US and German security services foiled a Russian plot to assassinate the chief executive officer of Rheinmetall AG, a German arms manufacturer that has been producing ammunition and military vehicles for Ukraine, according to a person familiar with the situation. US intelligence officials who uncovered the plot informed German security services, which thwarted it, said the person, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive information. As a consequence, Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger was given special protection.

    American intelligence agencies uncovered a Russian plot to kill the chief executive of a German weapons manufacturer, according to multiple Western officials, as Moscow steps up a campaign to undermine support for Ukraine’s war effort. The United States warned Germany about the plot, and German officials increased protection for Armin Papperger, who leads Rheinmetall, which makes artillery shells and tanks that Ukraine has used in its war against Russia. This year, Russian military intelligence has carried out a series of arsons aimed at disrupting the supply of weapons and other materiel to Ukraine, prompting the expulsion of undercover spies and warnings from NATO. The assassination plot is a significant escalation, officials said, representing a more concerted covert effort to deter Western companies from producing supplies for Ukraine.

  • The Kremlin is rewriting Wikipedia