

  • How California Turned Against Growth

    How did this happen? Decades of growth began to strain the environment that had attracted people to California in the first place. Residents found themselves surrounded by polluted water, poisoned air, and a destroyed landscape. Views and natural beauty were increasingly spoiled by overhead power lines, outdoor advertising, freeway overpasses, and thousands of identical houses. Infrastructure like roads, schools and sewer systems were stretched to their breaking point. Crime was rising, and neighborhoods of single-family homes with largely white residents were being encroached on by apartment buildings housing the poor and minorities. In response to this unwanted change, Californians began to create land-use restrictions that would curb growth, help stop environmental harm, and limit the influx of new residents. When this drove up property values, Californians then passed Proposition 13, which cut property taxes, reduced the government’s ability to fund services, and locked in the low-growth culture that had taken root.


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • The Imminent Student-Loan Disaster We’re Not Talking About

    the high drama of loan cancelation has drawn attention away from a more pressing issue in the student-loan system. After the pandemic-induced student-loan payment pause ended last year, the Education Department implemented a one-year transition period to allow borrowers time to ease back into the habit of paying their loans. That so-called on-ramp is set to expire at the end of September—yet tens of millions of borrowers have not yet made a payment.

TechSuck / Geek Bait

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / TBA 2024 / Democrats Demonstrate "Our Democracy"

  • Kamala Harris Isn't Taking Questions And Media Are Okay With It | National Review

    since Harris was tapped as the obvious replacement for Biden, we’ve seen unadulterated fawning over her by the media. There’s the first wave of adoring coverage that permeates every corner of the media (the New York Times even quoted an expert who declared, ​​“I don’t think there has been anybody who understands the power of cooking quite like Kamala.”) Then there is the secondary coverage, which cites the initial laudatory coverage as evidence that Harris’s rollout has been so brilliant and smooth. In the meantime, we are quietly told that Harris has reversed herself on a whole slate of positions she took during her first run for president, when she supported the Green New Deal; called for kicking 180 million people off of private insurance; vowed to ban fracking and offshore drilling; and promised to confiscate AR-15s. I say we are told this, because Harris has not stated any of this publicly, or been asked to explain any of these dramatic reversals. Instead, we are just told that this is now the case because “campaign officials” said so.

  • Minnesota National Guard confirms VP nominee Tim Walz demoted, calling into question official bio | Just The News


Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp