


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / TBA 2024 / Democrats Demonstrate "Our Democracy"

  • Harris campaign deceptively trims Trump post about Elon Musk interview - The Verge

    the Harris campaign’s post left out key context that Trump had released a cleaner version of the recording, making the post look purely like an excuse. “Trump blames his confused, slur-filled disaster of an interview with Elon Musk on ‘the complexity of modern day equipment,’” the KamalaHQ account wrote alongside the truncated post on Threads.

  • Kamala Harris is among 1 in 8 Americans who have worked at McDonald's

  • Will Chicago Become A War Zone?

    Things are quickly heating up in Chicago. Nervous Democrats are wondering if the city might come under siege by swarms of pro-Palestinian protesters and/or if they will face riots by extremists - with the explicit goal of defeating Kamala Harris. Public estimates are that between 30,000 to 50,000 protesters are expected to enter the city. A vast coalition comprising of more than 200 Palestinian, Marxist, anti-imperialist and progressive organizations have signed on to join the “March on the DNC 2024” which is planning marches and rallies between August 19 and 21.

    Meanwhile, Chicago authorities have opened a defunct courthouse to streamline arrests and have cleared 30 additional courtrooms if there are mass arrests, according to NewsNation. The city has postponed all criminal jury trials scheduled for next week and “criminal judges from other divisions of Cook County have been asked to clear their calendars in case they need to be called into action to help process those arrested,” according to the news channel. The convention grounds now are officially considered a “national special security event.” This means the Secret Service will oversee security inside the convention grounds.


  • Venezuela's government turns to tech to curb election protests

  • Pakistan deploys the great firewall for internet

  • NZ police race to recover meth-laced sweets distributed by charity

    Police in New Zealand are racing to trace sweets containing "potentially lethal levels of methamphetamine" after they were distributed by a charity in Auckland. Up to 400 people may have received the sweets from Auckland City Mission as part of a food parcel, said the anti-poverty charity. The sweets were donated anonymously by a member of the public in a sealed retail package, it added. "We did not know that the lollies contained methamphetamine when they were distributed," the charity's spokesperson told the BBC. Each individual sweet could have a street value of around NZ$1,000 ($601; £468), according to the New Zealand Drug Foundation. In a statement, the foundation said they found about 3g of methamphetamine in a sweet that was sent for testing. “A common dose to swallow is between 10-25mg, so this contaminated lolly contained up to 300 doses,” says its head Sarah Helm, adding that swallowing such amount of the drug is "extremely dangerous and could result in death".

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda