

  • The Truth Is Out There, Part 1: The Will to Believe

    On Tuesday, August 28, 1995, Fox broadcast a program called Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?, whose one-hour running time — or rather 45 minutes with commercials — included about four of the nineteen and a half minutes of footage which Santilli had provided to Murdoch. The balance of the time was spent talking about the film, plus the long-rumored UFO crash at Roswell whose veracity it might prove.

    Facing increasing pressure to explain the many aspects of his story that didn’t fully make sense, Santilli committed a blatant self-own in 1997, when he showed pictures of the canisters in which, so he claimed, the film had been stored when he acquired it. (He was still refusing to provide the artifacts themselves for forensic examination.) The canisters were neatly labeled, “Property of the Department of Defense.” But, sadly for him, no agency of the American government had yet existed under that name at the time the autopsy was supposed to have been conducted.

    In 2004, long after the cultural moment that had produced the alien-autopsy sensation had passed into history, Ray Santilli finally came clean — partially, at any rate. He admitted to the British television presenter Eamonn Holmes that he and a few friends had faked the film in a vacant London flat, using “aliens” that had been made out of plaster and stuffed with sheep brains, chicken entrails, and other assorted offal picked up at a local butcher shop. (The smell in the apartment, the hoaxers said, was “horrendous.”) After the filming was complete, they had cut what was left of the aliens up into small pieces and dropped them into dumpsters all over the city, as you do when you’re looking to hide the evidence of a crime.

  • With 'Founder Mode,' Silicon Valley Makes Micromanaging Cool

  • Ask HN: I miss the internet of the 90s/00s. What should I do? | Hacker News

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • College Grades Have Become a Charade

  • Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State

    The message is chillingly clear: your children are not your own but are, in fact, wards of the state who have been temporarily entrusted to your care. Should you fail to carry out your duties to the government’s satisfaction, the children in your care will be re-assigned elsewhere. This is what it means to go back-to-school in America today: where parents have to worry about school resource officers who taser teenagers and handcuff kindergartners, school officials who have criminalized childhood behavior, school lockdowns and terror drills that teach your children to fear and comply, and a police state mindset that has transformed the schools into quasi-prisons. Instead of being taught the three R’s of education (reading, writing and arithmetic), young people are being drilled in the three I’s of life in the American police state: indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance.

  • There's a fix for AI-generated essays. Why aren't we using it?

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • Carrier Captain: What Went on During 7 Months Under Fire Around the Red Sea

    Navy Capt. Christopher “Chowdah” Hill commands the Nimitz class aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower which recently returned from the Middle East. The historic, nine-month deployment saw the ship and its escorts under fire from an array of weapons old and new and ended up being one of the most dangerous and grueling the sea service has experienced since the Korean War. Now the combat-proven skipper opened up to TWZ like never before about what being under constant threat of attack was like and the rapidly changing tactical realities he and thousands of his sailors faced while plowing the waters of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (IKECSG) was called into the region following the Oct. 7 surprise Hamas attack on Israel. Once there, they battled Houthi rebels repeatedly attacking them and commercial shipping off Yemen’s shores. Collectively, the IKECSG used its various weapons to destroy a bevy of Houthi aerial drones, missiles, uncrewed surface vessels, and undersea vehicles, and different kinds of targets ashore, firing nearly 800 missiles and other munitions in the process. They also helped defend Israel from the first-ever direct attack from Iran.

    that all changed on Oct. 7th. Hamas invades Israel, and then we go ahead and deploy a week later. We didn’t really have a mission right away, other than to make best speed to the eastern Med, meet up with the [aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford], take some pictures, provide some presence operations to deter countries around Israel during that time.