

  • Making a rickroll laser: A parametric speaker. | Maurycy's blog

    The result of all this is a beam of sound only a few degrees wide, just like a laser. The beam also bounces off objects, making it seam like the sound is coming from somewhere else. Strangely, the sound is actually louder when bouncing off a hard object like a wall then when listening to it directly. I’m guessing that the surface creates areas of higher ultrasound intensity, creating more sound then would be created otherwise.

    It works quite well for rickrolling, especially if the sound is bounced of a wall to make it harder to track down. This is my only pranking device that has everyone asking how it works. On the other hand, it’s not really a good speaker. It has virtually no bass response, tends to distort louder audio, and is not all that loud.

    It also does strange things to microphones, playing a low frequency (10-200 Hz) sound will completely ruin recordings, even when not directly pointed at the microphone. This depends on the ultrasound directly hitting the microphone, so can be stopped with those fuzzy wind covers.


celebrity gossip

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • How the contrived panic over Haitian immigrants hijacked our algorithms — and our brains

    In today’s algorithmically-driven information environment, it’s easier than ever for purveyors of disinformation to strategically disseminate messages designed to exploit the tendency of algorithms to promote the most extreme, inflammatory, and divisive content available. Then, once these messages start getting boosted by recommendation and search algorithms, they subsequently start eliciting high levels of engagement, which drives further algorithmic amplification and reinforces the internal math that drives the behavior of algorithms. And that’s how we ended up in this self-perpetuating cycle in which divisive content gets picked up and amplified by platform algorithms, thereby boosting engagement rates and sending signals back to the algorithm that this type of content should be prioritized because it’s what people want to see and engage with. From there, it’s a race to the bottom, as social media users learn from the worst and start competing for attention by escalating their rhetoric and producing increasingly hostile, hateful, and incendiary content.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • AMD CEO Lisa Su says AMD is now a data center-first company

  • Computers are bad: the national warning system

    One of the interesting properties of private line systems is that they can be ordered as four-wire. Internally, the telephone network handles calls as four-wire with separate talk and listen pairs (or at least, it did before digitization). For cost reasons, though, service to individual customers is virtually always two-wire, with talk and listen combined onto a single pair via hybrid transformers. Four-wire private lines are just about the only exception.

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp