
need for new lives, microwaving meat, spendy safe saws, off grid threatens poors, pushers knew their goods, Rambo 3 was propaganda!, Trump caused hurricanes, TD Bank got jacked, super science shrooms



Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Trump / Right / Jan6

  • Hurricanes are doing little to change Republicans' minds on climate change - POLITICO

    Two major hurricanes hitting the same region of the country just weeks apart are not moving the needle for most congressional Republicans when it comes to endorsing tougher action against climate change. After Hurricanes Helene and Milton devastated huge swaths of the Southwest and continue to stress the limits of federal disaster relief coffers, Republicans are by and large still not ready to change the way they react and respond to natural disasters, which studies show to be growing in both intensity and frequency as global warming persists. Their reasons range broadly from questioning the science to offering solutions different to what advocates and other experts say is needed. Most Republicans don’t see climate change as a crisis and the storms aren’t changing that.

  • Trump campaign worked with Musk's X to keep leaked JD Vance file off platform

  • The One Thing Obama Got Wrong

    If Trump wins on November 5, it will be because of his support from a majority of white America. As a white American, and a white American man to boot, I’ve got to say, in the immortal words of Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us.

  • Rumors on X Are Becoming the Right’s New Reality - The Atlantic

    The amplification of emotionally manipulative chatter is a familiar issue on social media. What’s more disconcerting is that Republican political elites—with Musk now among them—are openly legitimizing what the X rumor mill churns out when it serves their objectives. X’s owner has claimed that FEMA is “actively blocking citizens” who are trying to help flood victims in North Carolina, and that it “used up its budget ferrying illegals into the country instead of saving American lives.” J. D. Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, elevated rumors of pet-eating Haitians to national attention on social media for days; Donald Trump did the same in a presidential debate. Influential public figures and political elites—people who, especially in times of crisis, should be acting as voices of reason—are using baseless, often paranoid allegations for partisan advantage.

    What of left-wing rumors? They exist, of course. After the assassination attempts on Trump, some commentators insinuated that they were “false flag” attacks—in other words, that his camp had staged the incidents to gain public sympathy for him. But mainstream media called out left-wing conspiracism and fact-checked the rumors. The people expressing them were overwhelmingly censured, not encouraged, by fellow influencers and elites on their side of the political spectrum. In contrast, when social-media companies stepped in to address false claims of voter fraud in 2020, the political influencers who most frequently spread them clamored for retribution, and their allies delivered. Representative Jim Jordan, one of the House’s most powerful Republicans, convened a congressional subcommittee that cast efforts to fact-check and label misleading posts as “censorship.”

    Rumors have always circulated, but the decision by Republican politicians and Musk to exploit them has created a problem that’s genuinely new. In the modern right-wing propaganda landscape, where facts are recast as subjective and any authority outside MAGA is deemed illegitimate, eroding trust in institutions is not an unfortunate side effect—it is the goal. And for now, the result is a niche political reality wherein elites on the right, including the world’s richest man, amplify baseless claims without legitimate pushback.

  • Hurricanes test limits of Trump's war on experts

    A second Donald Trump presidency would usher in a new type of class warfare — empowering populists to steamroll mainstream experts on issues such as climate change, economics and public health. This year's devastating hurricane season has exposed the perils of Trump's war on climate experts, who have long warned that human-caused global warming is exacerbating extreme weather.

  • Trump Calls Kamala Harris ‘Retarded’ During a Donor Dinner: Report

    Donald Trump is an insult machine, worse, he is an insult machine that has no bottom, particularly it seems when he’s feeling frustrated, not getting his way, and there’s a woman he wants to blame. Trump recently referred to his Democratic presidential nominee opponent Kamala Harris as “retarded,” according to The New York Times.

  • Trump wants to make auto loan interest tax-deductible. It would mostly help the rich, experts say. - CBS News

    While Trump didn't disclose details about how the plan would be implemented, tax experts say it would likely provide the most benefits to wealthy Americans while offering little aid to those who need it most — low-income workers.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

  • Pics from Knoxville explosives disposal incident

  • Attorney General Remarks on TD Bank's Guilty Plea

    TD Bank created an environment that allowed financial crime to flourish. By making its services convenient for criminals, it became one. Today, TD Bank became the largest bank in U.S. history to plead guilty to Bank Secrecy Act program failures and the first U.S. bank in history to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering.

    TD Bank pled guilty to multiple felonies, including conspiring to violate the Bank Secrecy Act and commit money laundering. TD Bank has also agreed to a $1.8 billion criminal penalty. Combined with civil enforcement actions announced today by other agencies, the United States will be imposing a total [penalty] of approximately $3 billion against TD Bank.

Health / Medicine