


Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • How a Scientific Dispute Spiralled Into a Defamation Lawsuit | The New Yorker

    Three of the four papers were, in relatively short order, retracted. (The fourth had already been retracted following the discovery of a separate apparent fraud.) On LinkedIn, Gino posted that she was “limited into what I can say publicly,” but that “there will be more to come on all of this.” A few weeks later, Gino filed a twenty-five-million-dollar lawsuit—for defamation, among other things—against Data Colada and Harvard. Gino’s initial complaint suggests that there were perfectly innocent explanations for all the alleged anomalies in the data sets and, furthermore, that if there were in fact no innocent explanations she was not the one holding the bag. (Gino has never wavered in her denial of any wrongdoing. In April, one of her lawyers noted that the idea that “she engaged in fraud is verifiably false.” ) As her attorney told the investigators, “In all four of the studies in question, Professor Gino had relied on the help of research assistants on any given project.”

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External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

Health / Medicine

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda