
Flapping wings, forever wars, TV sells sugar to kids, Woke is dead, men go to church, data matters, banks go nukular, Wimyn and Routh hate Trump, furrin car tech banned, whipped cream for health,



Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • America is becoming less “woke”

    Republicans love to blame everything they consider wrong with America on an epidemic of “wokeness”, by which they tend to mean anything that smacks of virtue-signalling or political correctness. Thus a bridge over Baltimore harbour collapsed earlier this year not, as it might have seemed, because it was hit by a wayward cargo ship, but because one of the nearby port’s six commissioners is a black woman whose human-resources firm helps companies assess how diverse their workforces are, among other things—or so a Republican candidate for governor of Utah asserted. Donald Trump, when accepting the Republican nomination for president in July, blamed “woke” leadership for the failings of America’s armed forces. The party’s official platform this year complains of “woke…government” spurring politically motivated prosecutions. The implication is that woke attitudes are proliferating, and that only Republicans can stem their rise.

    In fact, discussion and espousal of woke views peaked in America in the early 2020s and have declined markedly since. The Economist has attempted to quantify the prominence of woke ideas in four domains: public opinion, the media, higher education and business. Almost everywhere we looked a similar trend emerged: wokeness grew sharply in 2015, as Donald Trump appeared on the political scene, continued to spread during the subsequent efflorescence of #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, peaked in 2021-22 and has been declining ever since (see charts). The only exception is corporate wokeness, which took off only after Mr Floyd’s murder, but has also retreated in the past year or two.

  • With Gen Z, Men Are Now More Religious Than Women - The New York Times

    For the first time in modern American history, young men are now more religious than their female peers. They attend services more often and are more likely to identify as religious. “We’ve never seen it before,” Ryan Burge, an associate professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University, said of the flip. Among Generation Z Christians, this dynamic is playing out in a stark way: The men are staying in church, while the women are leaving at a remarkable clip. The men and women of Gen Z are also on divergent trajectories in almost every facet of their lives, including education, sexuality and spirituality.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Arm the teachers: Bulletproofing America’s Classrooms - The New York Times

    “Arm us with books, counselors and resources, not bulletproof vests,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. “It is infuriating that rather than having the courage to solve the gun violence problem, we now have to confront the monetizing of fear.”

  • Averaging is a convenient fiction of neuroscience

    neurons don’t take averages. All a neuron gets to work with is the moment-to-moment spikes sent by its inputs. Those inputs carry few, if any, spikes. Each input likely varies its response to the same significant event. Averaging over time hides what a neuron actually sees, what it actually gets to compute with.

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Trump / Right / Jan6

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania