
Cars software sux, lament for the minivan, how to colo, the pasture complains about the sheep, Altman says stuff, astrounauts land (no, not those), Harris got bux, Routh son nabbed for CP, "last" Navy oiler br0ked,


  • Floppy vs Stiff Concepts - by Robin Hanson

    We also have large STEM areas built on systems with many related more abstract concepts. In these systems, stiffness is obtained via a dense network of tight (often mathematical) interconnections between these abstract concepts, and also some concrete concepts. You can’t change any one of these concepts much without changing many others around them. Floppy concepts, in contrast, can be changed individually, requiring only minor matching changes to related concepts. Non-STEM folks in the humanities and the arts are often proud to see themselves as having special social roles re status, norms, and values, roles for which they see STEM as less-suited. And we probably actually accept them in such roles because our usual status and norm concepts are in fact floppy. But they don’t obviously have to be.

  • (2014) You Can’t Dig Upwards – Evan Miller

    if you want to write extremely good software — in any language — you should ignore all the advice to learn Python, or heaven forbid, Lisp, and instead begin your journey with C. The view from the top is nice, but if you aspire to climb mountains, there’s no better place to start than at the bottom.

  • Car software patches are over 20% of recalls, study finds


Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / Democrats

  • Harris embraces crypto, in overture to young men.

    In an aggressive overture to business and young men, Vice President Harris used a packed fundraiser on Wall Street yesterday to declare her friendliness to cryptocurrency — and promise to work with major companies. Harris is trying to convince businesspeople she'd be better than former President Trump, despite his promised tax cuts — and would work with them more than President Biden, who rankled many CEOs. The fundraiser at Cipriani Wall Street raised $27 million — the biggest single-day haul of Harris' presidential campaign.

  • How to give effectively to US Dems — EA Forum

    You can donate more effectively than giving directly to the Harris campaign. Harris will outspend Trump by a lot and the quality and quantity of Harris ads are already very high. It's better to donate to more neglected key races where the marginal value of a dollar is high — where the good candidates are getting outspent and thus really need the cash. Americans should donate up to $63,700 ...

    • to their "chosen candidate" shell shill page. I recall when the limit was $5k and the standard cut for employees "donating" for their boss was 10%.
  • This is an insane example of media propaganda on full display

    "Harris gets stunning endorsement from group that normally backs Trump." The Police Leaders for Community Safety was ESTABLISHED IN JUNE 2024.

  • Behind Kamala Harris’s Rise: Silicon Valley’s Wealthiest Woman - The New York Times

    Few figures have cultivated a more consequential friendship with Ms. Harris, now the Democratic nominee for president, than Ms. Powell Jobs, who for decades was married to one of America’s most famous entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs. Over the past 20 years, she has become one of Ms. Harris’s most essential confidantes, providing counsel and money, and helping to expand Ms. Harris’s public profile. Now, in this year’s presidential race, the wealthiest woman in Silicon Valley has emerged as a powerful player behind the scenes. She has quietly contributed millions of dollars to an organization backing Ms. Harris, according to three people briefed on the gifts. She played a hidden but key role in helping usher Mr. Biden out of the race, which cleared the way for a Harris run.

Biden Inc

  • Biden's UN Remarks Are a Sad Ending to His Political Career As He Slurs, Struggles and Lies – RedState

    Joe Biden spoke at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday in what is likely his last big world speech to close out his 50 years in political life. Unfortunately, he's going out after having left the country in shambles. He's leaving because he was shoved off his reelection bid by his own party, who knew he was going to lose. His condition was much in evidence as he spoke, despite the fact that he had a teleprompter. A handler even had to indicate to him where the podium was that he was supposed to speak from.

    it was this line — about his decision not to seek reelection — that garnered the most applause from the packed audience, which included leaders from the body's 193 member states. Several delegations did not react during Biden's 25-minute address — notably, the delegations from China and from Russia, who did not clap for any of his remarks. "My fellow leaders, let us never forget some things are more important than staying in power," he said. "It's your people."

Trump / Right / Jan6

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania