
Secular morality, Zuck's politcs, Diddy's cellmate, crime school, mad C macros, OpenAI shenanigans, Starmer promises Big Brother, Bird Flu panic don't fly, Artificial farts will save Earth


  • why we don't we have anyone asserting a secular public morality

    Thinking about transgression fetishes and queer theory leads to the next question: why is there no effective opposition to this stuff? To put it more concretely, we used to have a public morality that effectively prevented displays of triumphant perversion and transgression fetishism like the Folsom Street pride parades, even though they were technically shielded by the First Amendment. What happened to it?

celebrity gossip


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Why People Quit Religion–and How They Find Meaning Again

    First, some people leave because of cultural stagnation: They are getting more ideologically progressive, but their religious organizations are not. Often, people report intellectual reasons for leaving religion, or mention they simply outgrew their faith. Other times, respondents indicate that they cannot endorse the values of their previous religious organization, including their views on LGBTQ+ individuals, stances on gender or sexuality, or pervasive sexism and racism.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • TIL: Cisco has the trademark for iOS and licenses it out to Apple | Hacker News

  • So wrapped up in 'can we?' that we forgot to ask 'should we?' Cello - High Level C

    Instead we can use the ideas behind Fat Pointers, and store our runtime information in the memory space before pointers. In essence we make all our pointers to Cello objects Fat. Then Cello pointers would be fully compatible with standard C pointers and functions (with the exception of free and realloc), but also have the information to be used by our runtime system. In this sense our runtime really does extended the language rather than create something that is conflicting.

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / Democrats

Trump / Right / Jan6


Health / Medicine

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda