

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Legal prostitution is a gift to pimps

  • Supreme Court case about hotel websites could upend much of US civil rights law

    Deborah Laufer has filed more than 600 different lawsuits — many of which, according to a federal court in Maryland, appear to follow the same pattern. The defendants are typically small hotels, and Laufer accuses them of failing to comply with a federal regulation requiring that they disclose on their websites whether their rooms are accessible to people with disabilities.

    There are very good reasons why Laufer — whose many lawsuits more than push the limits of the federal courts’ jurisdiction — should not be allowed to file these suits. But, in the worst-case scenario for civil rights advocates, a Supreme Court dominated by conservative Republicans may not only shut down Laufer’s vast array of lawsuits. They may also do considerable harm to civil rights writ large.

  • California governor vetoes bill to require human operators in autonomous trucks

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda