
authority via action, port automation, hurricanes, touching nature, tech undermines democracy, .io shit what now, Pi runs AMD GPU, FEMA aint that broke, Rooski spies in the UK, lead pipes bad.


  • you get the authority to do things by stepping up and doing them

    This is when I realized how vast the gulf between me and this well-meaning academic actually was. In her world, creativity has structures. And hierarchies. And defining institutions. And it would be completely reasonable to ask me where I got my permission from. Where I got my authority from. This was several years before the whole open-source thing. But even then one of the most obvious features of the hacker culture was that you get the authority to do things by stepping up and doing them. You don't create because somebody tells you you can, but because you must. There's a problem in front of you that needs solving and it's in your nature to do that.




Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Mozilla Says WhatsApp Must Act to Protect Elections

    Elections for about half the world’s population take place in 2024. But the integrity of these elections is under threat, because WhatsApp isn't doing enough to identify patterns of networked disinformation and hate speech on its platform – which can quickly turn into political violence. Mozilla is making an urgent call for WhatsApp to implement three simple changes in its product to slow the spread of political disinformation and other harmful content on its platform.

    (The language and call to action was updated on 31 May 2024,)

  • Amazon, Tesla and Meta among top companies undermining democracy, report

    Some of the world’s largest companies have been accused of undermining democracy across the world by financially backing far-right political movements, funding and exacerbating the climate crisis, and violating trade union rights and human rights in a report published on Monday by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

  • 'What's at stake is the world'

    when it comes to American tech companies, Ressa argues they’ve chosen a side. “I would say Big Tech right now is on the side of autocrats and dictators,” she said. “It enables their rise. It breaks down our shared reality.” Ressa warns that the erosion of trust in public institutions that she witnessed in the Philippines is happening in the U.S. And that reversing course will require the collective action of fact-based media and a fresh set of guardrails on technology companies.

  • Foreign operations are manipulating social media to influence your views

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Nobel Prize goes to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton work on machine learning

  • The Atlantic Did Me Dirty - Carrie M. Santo-Thomas

    Horowitch’s article reflects a frighteningly narrow definition of what constitutes worthwhile literature. Passing references to Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, and even my unit about The Odyssey, confine literary merit to a very small, very old, very white, and very male box. As a staunch advocate for diverse and representative literature, I was immediately curious about the actual texts at the center of this “crisis” so I asked Horowitch directly what types of books were the sticking points in her professor friends’ curricula. Unsurprisingly, it was canonical classics. As Horowitch points out, I am just “one public-high school teacher in Illinois,” but while professors at elite universities sound the alarm over Gen Z undergrads not finishing Les Miserables because they are uninterested in reading a pompous French man drone on for chapters about the Paris sewer system, my colleagues and I have developed professional toolboxes with endless other ways to inspire our students to read about justice, compassion, and redemption.

    And that’s a good thing, since Gen Z and Gen Alpha don’t cow to authority for authority’s sake. They simply won’t do things they don’t want to do, and I actually kinda love that. The rising young generations want texts that matter to them, that reflect their lives and experiences. So when we force-feed yet another vanilla canonical dust collector, and then complain that they aren’t playing along, it’s just not a good look for us.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Rust Resumes Rise in Popularity

  • A popular but wrong way to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase - The Old New Thing

  • Carmack on 'simulator sickness'

    Simulator sickness tends to come from high quality rendering of smooth angle changes that you aren’t directly controlling. Skillfully playing an FPS yourself has your brain expecting every angle change, but a third person camera that is only loosely coupled to your actions can be a problem. Closely watching other people play can also be a problem. We first saw this after I got glQuake running on SGI hardware, and SGI invited us to their Dallas headquarters to try it out on a high end Infinite Reality system. A 3DFX could run 640x480 30 fps, but this system could run 1280x1024 60 fps. The room was dark, and I was playing the game on a big monitor at a quality we had never seen. Michael Abrash, watching behind me, got so sick he had to go sit down.

  • Use an External GPU on Raspberry Pi 5 for 4K Gaming | Jeff Geerling

    Now comes the fun part. The Pi 5 supposedly supports 4K display output. But if you use it at 60 Hz, even normal UI elements will feel a bit laggy. With the RX 460, I get smooth 60 Hz output at 4K resolution. I also installed Doom 3 with Pi-Apps, and got a solid 60 fps at 4K. Outside of games, I ran glmark2-es2, and on the Pi's internal V3D graphics, I got a score of about 1800. On the external AMD RX 460, I got 2383.

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

  • SpaceX launches Europe's Hera asteroid mission ahead of Hurricane Milton

  • The satellite spectrum battle that could shape the new space economy

    In early August, when corporate activity was in a summer lull, Elon Musk’s SpaceX quietly opened up a new front in a global battle over a scarce and precious resource: radio spectrum. Its target was an obscure international regulation governing the way spectrum, the invisible highway of electromagnetic waves that enables all wireless technology, is shared by satellite operators in different orbits. And the chosen weapon was the US regulator, the Federal Communications Commission. On August 9, SpaceX petitioned the FCC to loosen globally agreed power limits on transmissions from operators like itself in low Earth orbit, the region of space up to 2,000km above the planet’s surface set to be a pivotal arena in the future of communication, transportation and defence. The so-called equivalent power flux density rules were set more than 20 years ago to ensure signals from low Earth orbit do not interfere with those from systems in higher geostationary, or fixed, orbit.

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Untapped Relief: FEMA Is Sitting on Billions of Unused Disaster Funds

    While FEMA is expected to ask Congress for new money, budget experts note a surprising fact: FEMA is currently sitting on untapped reserves appropriated for past disasters stretching back decades. An August report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General noted that in 2022, FEMA “estimated that 847 disaster declarations with approximately $73 billion in unliquidated funds remained open.” Drilling down on that data, the OIG found that $8.3 billion of that total was for disasters declared in 2012 or earlier.

  • A Troubled Place | City Journal

    The basic pattern in Charleroi has been replicated in thousands of cities and towns across America: the federal government has opened the borders to all comers; a web of publicly funded NGOs has facilitated the flow of migrants within the country; local industries have welcomed the arrival of cheap, pliant labor. And, under these enormous pressures, places like Charleroi often revert to an older form: that of the company town, in which an open conspiracy of government, charity, and industry reshapes the society to its advantage—whether the citizens want it or not.

  • Cards Against Humanity Pays You to Give a Shit

    If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “MuskIsDumb@cah.lol” as your referrer, and they'll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America. If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll sue him again.

Harris / Democrats


Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp