

  • Carpentopod: A walking table project

    Since this post has gone public, many people have asked me if they could get one as well. I’m currently not making these on demand. However, I’ve decided to release the Carpentopod linkage itself as public domain.



  • 9/11 Memes Have Taken Over the Internet

    To be on social media in 2024 is to be swimming in jokes and memes about 9/11. Things that might once have been whispered among friends are now shared by meme accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers. On TikTok, videos contrasting the year 2024 with 2001 (often ending with someone reacting to the planes hitting towers) frequently went viral. While on X, a famous photo of President George W. Bush being informed by his chief of staff that the U.S. was under attack is now frequently used to mock everything from Ozempic to JD Vance to the Drake/Kendrick Lamar beef. Want to be overly dramatic about a minor event in your life? Why not use a video or GIF of Caitlyn Jenner standing in a sea of American Flags, solemnly saying, “9/11”? Or you could keep things simple and just say, “This was my 9/11.”

  • Text used to train samurai warriors deciphered

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / Democrats

  • Remember when Democrats (and everybody else) thought Kamala Harris was a bad vice president? - Washington Examiner

    ress coverage, some of it openly adulatory, has mostly memory-holed the deficiencies of Harris as vice president. With the exception of a 27-minute Q&A with CNN, Harris has largely ignored journalists and their questions. Even if reporters were determined to grill her on her record, they haven’t had the chance and might not get the chance anytime soon. Harris’s personal favorability rating has shot up in the absence of discussion about what she did and did not do as vice president.

  • Kamala Harris Can’t Keep Running Like This | The New Republic

    Three days before the Times poll came out, amid growing consternation about her deliberate lack of a clear and detailed agenda, Kamala Harris’s campaign announced a new policy—sort of. Harris, her campaign said, was no longer in favor of banning plastic straws. Five years ago, as a senator from California, she came out in favor of phasing out plastic straws and replacing them with paper ones—albeit with better ones than the flimsy kind that degrade after you’ve drunk a third of your McDonald’s Diet Coke. Now Harris is fine with the status quo. This is a comical example of a very real trend after Harris became the presumptive nominee in late July: She quickly jettisoned progressive positions she took during the 2020 presidential race—such as gun buybacks, a fracking ban, and Medicare for All—without saying much about where she currently stands. Last month’s DNC was a celebration of the party’s normalcy and the middle class, but there was little of substance beneath it. Her big policy ideas in August were to punish price gouging in grocery stores, kill taxes on tips, and spur the construction of new homes.

    The Harris campaign is only now, belatedly, realizing that this is a problem. On Sunday, they finally added an “Issues” section to her website. It includes a slew of policies that the campaign has previously outlined, as well as sections on reproductive and civil rights. Unfortunately for Harris, its release was undermined by a simple but telling error: The page’s source code revealed that parts of the platform were copied directly from Biden’s campaign page.

  • Why Is AI So Bad at Generating Images of Kamala Harris? | WIRED

    Despite being a prominent figure, Harris hasn’t been as widely photographed as Trump. WIRED’s search of photo supplier Getty Images bears this out; it returned 63,295 images of Harris compared to 561,778 of Trump. Given her relatively recent entry into the presidential race, Harris is “a new celebrity,” as far as AI image makers are concerned, according to Cuenca Abela. “It always takes a few months to catch up,” he says. That Harris is a Black woman, of Jamaican and Indian descent, also may be a factor. Irene Solaiman, head of global policy at AI company Hugging Face, says that “poorer facial recognition for darker skin tones and femme features” may affect the sorting of images of Harris for automated labeling.

    There may be yet another reason why AI portrayals of Harris are not especially good. “The images are not being created to be photorealistic but rather are being created to push a narrative,” says Hany Farid, an expert on deepfake detection and cofounder of GetReal Labs, a startup offering software to catch fake media. In other words, those sharing AI-generated images of Harris may often be more interested in producing meme-worthy scenarios than refining the realism of her likeness. The “communist dictator” image shared by Musk and the video in which Harris holds her Trumpy baby both serve to ridicule and denigrate the Democratic candidate rather than spread disinformation.

Trump / Right / Jan6

  • Desperate Republicans Using AI to Generate Fake Photos of Donald Trump Saving Kittens

    Though the influential Republican committee — one of the House of Representative's most esteemed assignments — didn't explicitly denote or watermark the image as AI-generated, it certainly doesn't look real; the former president's features are oddly smooth, as are those of the cartoonishly calm-looking cat and duck. But the image wasn't created to make Trump, who famously doesn't care for pets, look cuddly. It was created to reinforce the false story that Haitian immigrants flooding to the US are killing and eating their neighbors' pets — an inflammatory partisan rumor based on largely debunked "reports" and murky social media hearsay that, according to actual law enforcement officials, have no merit.

    And in a bigger sense, it's something we're seeing more and more: American political candidates and operatives, usually on the right, using AI to dream up fantastical things that affirm their worldview — even if they never actually happened.

  • Trump has lost $4B in Truth Social wipeout

  • JD Vance response to Harris new policies page

  • You Have to Be an Absolute Lunatic to Believe That the Trump Assassination Attempt Was an "Op"

    I find the rise of BlueMAGA very disturbing, and I’m surprised more people don’t. Or perhaps I’m not surprised; within progressive circles there can be a strong social prohibition against speaking frankly about this tendency, for fear of giving support to the enemy. Just mentioning this cadre of deranged obsessives, who frequently express violent sentiment towards Donald Trump, his family, and Republicans in general, reliably gets me shouts of “FALSE EQUIVALENCE! BOTH SIDES-ISM!” and similar. I suspect that this mostly stems from progressives deliberately looking away from the pro-Dem online cesspool that’s developed in the past decade, or barring that, from thinking that team blue needs an abusive and psychotic online cult of its own. One way or another, they’re out there, in great numbers, and they exhibit all of the ugly elements of online extremism that we’ve grown accustomed to. Yes, yes, I’m sure regular MAGA is worse. That doesn’t erase the problem, and you should want better than that. I am particularly concerned with how ubiquitous conspiracy theories about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump have become.

    The most widespread BlueMAGA behavior, currently, is an absolutely rabid dedication to the idea that any polling that does not show a decisive lead for Harris is the product of Russian disinformation or the evil of Nate Silver or the machinations of The New York Times, which is alleged to be a dedicated anti-Kamala publication despite publishing five pieces a day with headlines like “How a Kamala Harris Victory Could Create a Time Loop That Would Prevent the Assassination of Medgar Evers.” There are so many people right now who dismiss any poll that doesn’t show Kamala dominance, it’s remarkably - especially because Democrats have spent several election cycles mocking Republicans for their belief in “skewed polls”! It seems like the desire for Harris to win is so enormous that people just can’t allow themselves to admit that this election is currently a total tossup. New York magazine can’t stop running essays about how Kamala is guaranteed to win because of THE POWER OF LOVE or whatever. But winning requires thinking, thinking clearly.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security