
celebrity gossip

  • Mark Zuckerberg says he's done apologizing | TechCrunch

    Shortly after hopping onstage, Zuckerberg joked that he might need to schedule his next appearance in order to apologize for whatever he was about to say. After a beat, he added that he was just kidding and that, in fact, his days of apologizing are over. Zuckerberg has had something of a rebrand recently. He raises cattle in Hawaii now, has long bouncy curls and a gold chain, and commissions Roman-style statues of his wife. Onstage, the Facebook founder wore a boxy T-shirt he designed himself alongside fashion designer Mike Amiri that read “learning through suffering” in Greek letters.

Electric / Self Driving cars

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Communities of scientists are emerging on Bluesky

  • The PhD Paradox: A Journey into Academia’s Upside-Down World – Daniel Lemire's blog

    Imagine if we recruited professors not just for their academic credentials but for their real-world achievements. People who’ve actually built things that work, could revolutionize how we teach software engineering or entrepreneurship. But we’re not there yet. We’re still caught in a system that values form over function, prestige over practicality. Our love affair with academia might be making us less productive and more miserable. Maybe it’s time we rethought this whole PhD business, not as a rite of passage into an elite club, but as a tool for real-world impact. After all, isn’t education supposed to prepare us for life, not just for more education?

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • NHTSA's Pedestrian Crash Safety Rules Could Change American Car Design Forever

  • Utah law restricting youth social media use blocked by judge

  • Can we trust the polls this year?

  • Debate in nuclear-armed former colony fails to reassure global community

    Efforts to restore democracy to the United States, a troubled, oil-rich former British colony with a history of political violence, may have suffered a serious setback this week after yet another chaotic presidential debate, some Americanists say.

    However, it got off to a less than stellar start. The three moderate candidates in the race – Jill Stein, Cornel West and Chase Oliver – were barred from participating. Instead, the contest pitted the two frontrunners: former President Donald Trump, the candidate of the far-white Republican Party, widely thought to be the political wing of white-Christianist militias, and Kamala Harris, the current vice president, who led a palace coup two months ago that forced the ageing, unpopular incumbent, President Joe Biden, to abandon his quest for re-election.

    During the debate, moderators drawn from the US media, once considered one of the most vibrant in the region, struggled to get Trump and Harris to answer questions about their views and policies, and the session at times degenerated into name-calling, fearmongering and outright lying. The two candidates traded insults, incited anti-China sentiment, differed over women’s rights and whether the country is facing an invasion by hordes of violent, pet-eating criminal immigrants, and agreed on backing the genocidal regime in Israel. There was little articulation by either candidate of a coherent vision for the country.

  • US Postal Service delays threaten to disrupt election voting, officials say

    State and local election officials from across the country on Wednesday warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the US Postal Service (USPS) that it hasn’t fixed persistent deficiencies. The officials said in a letter that over the past year, including the just-concluded primary season, mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted. They also noted that properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable. Repeated outreach to USPS to resolve the issues had failed, the officials added.

Harris / Democrats

Trump / Right / Jan6

  • MSNBC Host Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the ABC News Debate

    despite my disappointment in Trump’s performance, where he had multiple opportunities to turn Harris inside out as a total clown who is unqualified and unprepared to be president, the vice president was assisted mightily by ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. It was the Democrat media complex at work, and they arguably were debating with Trump during this circus last night. MSNBC's Nicole Wallace and Tim Walz both said the quiet part out loud: the moderators rigged the debate.

  • Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Was Trump, Harris Held Up, And Moderators Played Partisan Tricks | ZeroHedge

  • Trump Fans Spread Conspiracy About Microphone Earrings After Debate | WIRED

    In the wake of a debate performance that has been widely panned as disastrous, former president Donald Trump and his supporters have tried to explain the evening away by posting conspiracies about a “rigged” event, deeply misogynistic attacks on vice president Kamala Harris, and wild claims about the vice president’s earrings. Within minutes of the debate ending, a brand new conspiracy emerged on X, focusing not on the content of what was said but on the earrings that Harris was wearing.

    The earrings are said to have directional sound that remains audible only to the wearer. Per their Kickstarter page, they "are placed on the earlobes and project the sound from inside the pearl straight into your ear canal." Sure, they look a little like the pearl earrings Harris wore on stage but they're not the same. Style bloggers have already identified the pair of Tiffany earrings Harris wore to the debate and at previous events (as well as noting that she has worn a chain from the same collection).

    The main trouble is that the Nova H1 Audio Earrings barely exist. As Newsweek pointed out, the device was part of a Kickstarter project that faded into the ether. The earrings aren’t available to buy anywhere online and never have been. Nova Products, the company behind the campaign, hasn’t logged into Kickstarter since May 2023, and backers have posted on the page asking for a status update on the earrings they were supposed to receive in exchange for their pledge.

  • Redditor Who Took Pic Of Man With Goose Responds to JD Vance

    An Ohio-based Reddit user who recently photographed a Black man holding a goose is desperately pushing back on claims being spread by the country’s biggest conservatives. On the morning of Sunday, July 28, the redditor isitmeyourelooking4x came across an individual holding what appeared to be a dead goose near the corner of Cleveland Avenue and Taymouth Road in the city of Columbus. (he) shared the photo to the group’s more than 200,000 users that same day, totally unaware that the image would later become central to misinformation regarding Ohio’s Haitian community.

    Police in Springfield also released a statement regarding the Facebook post, noting that there “have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.” As previously stated, the picture taken by isitmeyourelooking4x was captured not in Springfield but in Columbus, nearly 50 miles away. The Haitians in Springfield were also granted temporary protected status, meaning they are not in the country illegally.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda