
well aged mammoth veal, Santa tracking, its all becuz of young men, fake chocolate, "cheap" ex-rentals, Usenet counter suits, AI generated junk, touching the Sun, German infertility, fig wasps



Electric / Self Driving cars

  • Hertz Is Asking Customers If They Want to Keep Their Tesla Rentals

    Hertz bought a bunch of Tesla Model 3s for its rental fleet and quickly realized that Tesla depreciation would be extra bad at scale. In an aggressive effort to sell off its remaining Tesla inventory, the rental company is sending extra cheap buyout options to rental customers. If you like your rental, Hertz will sell it to you for an extra cheap good deal. One Hertz customer took to Reddit to show off a screenshot of the deal he got directly from Hertz, a 2023 Tesla Model 3 with 30,000 miles on the odometer for $17,913.

  • Electric Cars Could Last Much Longer Than You Think

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Tim Peters returns to the Python community

    From what Peters says on that page, the only contact he had during the entire process leading up to his ban was a single message from the SC, which Morehouse also mentioned in her post; ""we did discuss this directly with the person first as an initial corrective measure where the feedback was not received and no willingness to listen or improve was indicated (in fact, doubling down on issues we were trying to address occurred)"". As might be guessed, Peters has a significantly different take on what was said, though he does admit to being dismissive of that message, in part because the specific example given ""didn't pass a 'reasonable person' test to me"". He will not release the email exchange without SC permission, but he claims that the message was fairly vague other than the one example:

    Without specificity, the best I could make of it was "we're not objecting to what you're saying, we're objecting to who you are - become someone different, in ways you must already know we have in mind". It left both sides unmoved, but they didn't reply to my reply, so there was no "discussion". It was a one-time exchange of monologues.

  • The quest to save the largest CRT TV from destruction

  • with grace and skill: Ask HN: Programmers who don't use autocomplete/LSP, how do you do it?

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Democrats / Biden Inc

Left Angst

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

  • Gay couple gets 100 years in prison for rape of adopted sons

    The couple raised them under the guise of a happy home in an affluent Atlanta suburb. But their supposedly picture-perfect life — Zachary worked in banking and William was a government employee — held a dark secret.The couple was arrested in 2022 after an alleged member of the ring was caught downloading child porn, and he told the investigators how the Zulocks were making porn with young boys living in their house. Both Zulocks plead guilty to charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, sexual exploitation of children.

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda