
force fields, increasing abstemiousness, freedom of the press (for those who own one), kooky mystics, one ring to bind them, don't mod your Switch, Trumpocalypse, fish terrorist, snow in FL


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Are mystics kooks or valuable disrupters?

    Today many people are abandoning religion (the bureaucratic institutionalisation of faith) but embracing spirituality (a personal sense of transcendence), so it is a good moment to look at those on the outer fringes of the sacred. As the author wryly puts it: “God might be ineffable, but the mystics are constantly effing the ineffable, for as long as it effing takes.”

  • No White Men Allowed in Bally’s Chicago Casino Share Offering

    Bally’s, the big casino operator, is selling shares only to women and minorities in its new gambling resort mecca being built in Chicago’s River West neighborhood. A minority preference of some kind was a condition to city approval of the project, and this is what the city and Bally’s agreed to. Yes, that appears blatantly illegal, but wait to understand the deal before deciding whether it’s truly doing any favor for women and minorities. Opinions may vary on that. The offering is being promoted by the City of Chicago Treasurer and some city aldermen.

    Instead of just buying one share for $25,000, a buyer can put up as little as $250 and Bally’s will loan you the remainder of the purchase price. You thus buy an “Interest,” as it’s called in the offering documents. A buyer will never see any dividends until the loan is repaid plus interest at 11% annually, compounded quarterly, and that could be a long, long time, if ever. The company says in its S-1 that it currently expects not to have cash available for distribution until approximately three to five years after the Chicago facility opens, which they are targeting for September 2026. “However, this may fluctuate depending on ”the ability to generate cash from operations and its cash flow needs and payments on senior debt.” At 11% compounded quarterly, the loan balance would double in less than six and a half years. The good news is that the loans are nonrecourse, meaning a buyer is not personally liable for repayment; only the shares that would be bought with the loan is at risk.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making


Left Angst

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda