
CA fires and causes, neo-nazi Zuck, TikTok ban, EU and X, rsync wide open, Starship "fail", car data valued, indoor inauguration, Biden ratifies ERA, more clemency, identity politics, EU royalty

LA Fires

  • Burning Teslas Add to Toxic Mix of Pollution Delaying LA Return

  • What is the pink fire retardant used to control the L.A. fires?

  • LA wildfires self-inflicted from regulatory gridlock and resource misallocation

    Explain this to the tens of thousands of law abiding tax paying citizens in Los Angeles who lost their homes this week. Explain to them why this process, aided and abetted by layer after layer of corrupt, self-serving regulators/consultants/affiliates/NGOs/501c3 charitable organizations, is fair or reasonable. Maybe we can take some of the millions of printed pages of these nonsense, useless “Environmental Impact Statements” and use them to build a new roof over their heads.

    I do not know exactly why these ostensibly environmentalist organizations move in lockstep to block these and other actions that actually protect the environment, including the development of lower carbon power sources. It could be ignorance or it could be some fundamentalist underlying anti-humanist ideology – who am I to say? It is not unusual to hear shards of the environmentalist movement make claims like “those houses should never have been built there” or “humans are a blight on the face of the universe” as though that excuses positive actions taken to prevent high efficacy hazard and harm reduction measures.

    Who, then, governs us? Who is actually making law? The answer is a handful of unelected specialists in bureaucracy. The key decision makers within the US Forest Service, CALFIRE, the BLM, the CCC, and their symbiotes at the Sierra Club, The John Muir Project, the Center for Biological Diversity and so on could fit quite easily onto a single Greyhound bus. You don’t know their names. They never appear on TV. They are unelected. Their position is often based on seniority rather than merit. They are effectively unfireable and thus unaccountable to anyone, not even the duly elected Governor. Generally speaking their salaries are far from exceptional, particularly in the public service and non-profit space. They’re not doing it for yacht money and it’s a fair assumption that for most of them (as well as most of us), a career in the upper echelons of business or private industry would be unattainable. Generally they are well-intentioned first order thinkers whose local ideological gradient and surrounding incentive landscape dictates their actions with eerie predictability.

  • Why fires spread quickly in modern cities ― and how to slow them

  • Some houses survived Los Angeles' extreme wildfires

  • What It’s Like to Be a Waterbomber – Jeff Wise

  • The Palisades Were Waiting to Burn - The Atlantic

    A parched landscape; crisp-dried vegetation; strong, hot winds: “The gun was loaded,” MacDonald said. And it was pointed at Pacific Palisades. MacDonald studies climate change and wildfires, and he has published a paper with colleagues projecting that the wildfire season in Southern California would, on average, start earlier and last longer in the future, thanks to human-driven climate warming. The lengthier the season, the greater the probability that a fire-weather day would overlap with a Santa Ana–wind day, or a day when someone happened to ignite a fire—more than 90 percent of fires in Southern California are sparked by human activity, he said.

  • L.A. Fires: We Can't Let Insurance Companies Exploit the Disaster

celebrity gossip

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering


  • “Neo-Nazi Madness”: Stanford Law Professor Publicly Rebukes Zuckerberg and Drops Him as a Client – JONATHAN TURLEY

    Lemley, a partner at the law firm Lex Lumina, decided that he was not content with simply severing the representation without fanfare or embarrassment to his clients. Instead, he decided to publish a tirade on LinkedIn to denounce Zuckerberg’s “descent into toxic masculinity and Neo-Nazi madness.” He declared “While I think they are on the right side in the generative AI copyright dispute in which I represented them, and I hope they win, I cannot in good conscience serve as their lawyer any longer.” He further declared that he deactivated his Threads account because he did not want to “support a Twitter-like site run by a Musk wannabe.”

  • The Slop Society

    This is the kind of social network that Mark Zuckerberg wants — an unrestrained, unfiltered, unrepentantly toxic and noxiously heteronormative, one untethered by the frustrating norms of "making sure that a social network of billions of people doesn't actively encourage hate of multiple different marginalized groups." Finally, Mark Zuckerberg can do whatever he wants, as opposed to the past 20 years, where it's hard to argue that he's faced an unrelenting series of punishments.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • 7 steps to junk science that can achieve worldly success

    often I think it’s more just a sense that all these media-friendly scientists and podcasters and journalists feel that they’re part of some collective project of science promotion, and from that perspective it doesn’t really matter if the science is good or bad, as long as it’s science-like, by their standards.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Democrats / Biden Inc

Left Angst
