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Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Open-source code repository says 'far-right forces' are behind spam attacks

    The open-source code repository Codeberg has blamed the far right for a recent campaign of abuse and harassment across its systems. “Projects advocating tolerance and equal rights” were subjected to spam campaigns using abusive messages, which escalated to spam emails sent to users via Codeberg’s own automated systems. Codeberg says it stands strong “against hate and hatred” that endangers free software projects.

    • After the last 7 years, I'd be very surprised to find anyone of "right wing" opinions on any tech forum. They purge deviance since at least 2018.

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Bill to ban mRNA vaccines passes out of House committee

  • (Jul 2023) Numberholders Age 100 or Older Who Did Not Have Death Information on the Numident

    In Tax Years 2016 through 2020, employers and individuals reported approximately $8.5 billion in wages, tips, and self- employment income using 139,211 SSNs assigned to individuals age 100 or older. SSA transferred these earnings to the Earnings Suspense File, primarily because personally identifiable information provided on the workers’ earnings reports did not match information in SSA enumeration records. Resolving these discrepancies will help improve the accuracy and completeness of the DMF and prevent future misuse of these SSNs. The Department of the Treasury operates the Do Not Pay portal as part of a Government-wide initiative to prevent and detect improper payments. SSA will begin sharing its full DMF with the Do Not Pay initiative in December 2023.

    Some people have claimed that the reason for this is that the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses an epoch in 1875 for storing dates, and these are just people with unknown years of birth stored as 0. I think the origin of these claims is this post.

    I don’t think this is true, for a few reasons.... I had found no evidence of 1875 ever being used as an epoch to start counting time from, in any context. I tried to find any case of this happening but I couldn’t find any. It’s definitely not a standard COBOL thing.

    Musk posted a spreadsheet of Social Security Administration data showing "numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE!" The data shows that 20.789 million Americans are collecting social security benefits over the age of 100. Drilling down into the age buckets, benefits are still being paid out to folks over 140!

    One X user pointed out that 2023 data showed the US population at around 334.9 million. However, Musk's data (likely from DOGE's 'Big Balls' analyst) shows 394 million names in the Social Security Administration database. Musk responded: "Yes, there are FAR more "eligible" social security numbers than there are citizens in the USA. This might be the biggest fraud in history."

  • National Science Foundation granted George Washington University $5 million to stop ‘misinformation.’

  • "The impossibly rich lifestyle of DC liberals, funded by YOU the taxpayer, without your consent or approval."


  • WATCH: Dem lawmakers answer USAID funding questions after bombshell report | Fox News

    Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., said that while USAID funds "should never go to terrorist organizations," he added that "Elon Musk has a real credibility gap" and that "almost all the claims as it relates to efficiency have been proven false." According to an analysis by the Middle East Forum, a U.S. conservative think tank, the USAID and State Department have funneled at least $122 million to groups aligned with designated terrorists and their supporters. The think tank reported that among its top findings, USAID was found to have given more than $900,000 to a "Gaza-based terror charity" called Bayader Association for Environment and Development.

    Progressive Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, a member of "the Squad" of progressive lawmakers, said it is "perfectly reasonable" to look at specific USAID funding but that he opposes gutting the entire department. "When people ask about specific programs and parts of USAID or other federal programs, we should look into those. We can have oversight. We can look, we can go and edit the budget and say we don't want to spend on this, because this didn't work and we do want to spend on that." "The problem that we have right now happening in this country isn't just about USAID. It's not just about the Department of Education. It's that you have Elon Musk, a billionaire who makes billions of dollars off of the federal government, going and shutting down programs without a vote, without any transparency," Casar said.

Left Angst

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security
