
pining for the Olde Net, dilute maple syrup, let EV's burn, cheaped out GPUs, asteroid apocalypse called off, fractional representation, RICO the NGOs, Bongino the FBI, Germans voted wrong again,


  • I Suddenly Lost My Enthusiasm for Interneting - Durmonski.com

    the online promise used to be simple: meet strangers, stumble upon fascinating, handcrafted content made to inform – not squeeze you into a marketing funnel – engage in forums with people who actually responded like human beings, and get lost in beautifully written blog posts that didn’t feel like they were regurgitated from some clickbait sorcery content factory in a dark alley of the web.

    Now the Internet is a frenzied hellscape of video content optimized to harvest engagement metrics, where every interaction is a performance. Everything is short-form, because apparently, reading anything longer than a tweet is now considered an extreme sport. Everyone online is either a self-declared millionaire guru hawking their 10-step success course, or a professional oversharer cataloging their psychological baggage in real time for validation points. Discussions are decreasing. Fewer and fewer real people are commenting online. Apparently, everyone is too busy doomscrolling through their daily selection of 500 short-form videos.

    My theory is that the early internet pioneers – the geeks, the hobbyists, the people who built weird little corners of the web – grew up, got jobs, had kids, and simply walked away. What’s left is a new wave of hyper-ambitious hustlers, clout chasers, and digital snake oil salesmen who think “authenticity” is something you sell in an online course.

    • Real people have been banned from most forums for voicing deviant views. Places where such views could be welcomed got nuked for being "echo chambers". There still exist the lonely weirdo sites, blogspots and such.
  • A Parade of Planets Is Marching Through the Night Sky

  • The weather and climate influences on the January 2025 fires around Los Angeles


TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Torvalds: You can avoid Rust as a C maintainer, but you can't interfere with it

  • Defragging my old Dell's UEFI NVRAM

  • The Importance Of Current Balancing With Multi-Wire Power Inputs | Hackaday

    As recently shown by NVidia with their newly released RTX 50-series graphics cards, failure to provide current balancing between said different conductors will quickly turn it into a practical physics demonstration of this rule. Initially pinned down as an issue with the new-ish 12VHPWR connector that was supposed to replace the 6-pin and 8-pin PCIe power connectors, it turns out that a lack of current balancing is plaguing NVidia GPUs, with predictably melty results when combined with low safety margins. So what exactly changed that caused what seems to be a new problem, and why do you want multi-wire, multi-phase current balancing in your life when pumping hundreds of watts through copper wiring inside your PC?

    Because with the RTX 4090 and 5090 FE GPUs – as well as some GPUs by third-party manufacturers – these 12V lines are treated as a singular line, it is essential that the resistance on these lines is matched quite closely. If this is not the case, then physics does what it’s supposed to and the wires with the lowest resistance carry the most current. Because the 12V-2×6 connector on the GPU side sees only happy sense pins, it assumes that everything is fine and will pull 575 watts, or more, through a single 16 AWG wire if need be.

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

  • Earth safe from 'city-killer' asteroid 2024 YR4 'That's impact probability zero'

  • EU Officially Begins Work on $11B Starlink Rival IRIS2, Eta 2030

  • What can we send to Mars on the first Starships? – Casey Handmer's blog

    As of today, it is 601 days until October 17, 2026, when the mass-optimal launch window to Mars opens next.

    What if we used Starship to transport a dozen or so Starlink satellites to Mars, each with a software update to use their powerful phased array antenna as an orbital radar? Because they form a constellation, they could even do multistatic synthetic aperture statistics. We need to build a relay constellation in Mars orbit sooner or later. As a complementary component, we could drop a wideband radio into the orbital Starship to put out far more than 10 W at much lower frequencies, seeing deeper into the crust. We have extremely powerful, versatile, programmable digital radio front-ends these days – and we should be using them to find stuff underground, including more scrolls!

    We know there’s a high likelihood mostly pure water ice exists within 10-20 m of the surface across large swaths of the various prospective landing sites. Why not drop off a few dozen long steel (or tungsten) spears, guide them in while tracking them on radar, and then survey their impact craters with HiRISE as soon as the dust has cleared? These rods will impact the surface at about 8 km/s, penetrating many times their length, and exposing the subsurface to our existing orbital instruments for the first time. The main attraction of this approach is that it requires essentially zero additional effort on top of the existing program, whereas the others require either a crash instrument development program, or building and flying multiple intricate surface operations robots and landing them with an extremely untested EDL system. Rods from the gods merely requires dropping a few tonnes of steel in roughly the same area and then surveying the damage. It’s also the only method that can deliver enough energy to actually directly access the deep subsurface at scale.

  • Why Starship Matters

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • The Death of Competition in American Elections - The New York Times

    a close review of the 2024 election shows just how undemocratic the country’s legislative bodies already are. After decades of gerrymandering and political polarization, a vast majority of members of Congress and state legislatures did not face competitive general elections last year. Instead, they were effectively elected through low-turnout or otherwise meaningless primary contests. Vanishingly few voters cast a ballot in those races, according to a New York Times analysis of more than 9,000 congressional and state legislative primary elections held last year. On average, just 57,000 people voted for politicians in U.S. House primaries who went on to win the general election — a small fraction of the more than 700,000 Americans each of those winners now represents.

  • RICO the NGOs - Listener’s Substack

    As disclosures emerged over the last month about the web of payments flowing through byzantine corporate structures housed in and around Washington D.C.’s NGO Industrial Complex, my first reaction was, “that looks like money laundering”. After reflecting on it and digging deeper, I’ve come to believe it isn’t “like” money laundering – it “is” money laundering. Zooming out, as you will see below, I believe there exist all of the elements necessary to bring Racketeering (RICO) charges against a large number of individuals and organizations. There is either no crime here or an enormous crime. Do we look it in the eye and name it, or sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened? If you think this isn’t important, or that white collar crime doesn’t apply to certain groups of people or certain types of activities that otherwise meet all the definitions of ‘illegal” it might be worth stopping to ponder how you got to that position and what the implications of this belief system are. I think the implications of that belief system are exactly what we are seeing now. Any group of people who believe themselves to be above the law will very quickly begin breaking the law, with the best intentions of course.

    That’s the beauty of RICO. It was designed to catch tricky crooks who were loosely affiliated. That’s D.C. in a nutshell for most people, but the example we dive into below is very specific and may be a winner.

    we don’t need vigilante justice to address the incredible corruption being unearthed right now in Washington D.C. There are legal tools available to both the government and individual citizens if we have the courage and dedication to use them. Enron was famously prosecuted using RICO and was bankrupted as a result. We should bankrupt the NGO Industrial Complex.

  • NYC's Congestion Pricing Hits Revenue Target, Continues to Prove Doubters Wrong

Left Angst

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania
