
Itanium and other delusions, decorated dog dies, school costs less, AI pseudoscience, DOS 3.3 bug, slow singularity, utility cartels, check Ft. Knox, Democrats betrayed "woke", KGB DOGE, leaking plants


  • Examples of group madness in technology | Locklin on science

    One of the worst arguments I hear is that “thing X is inevitable because the smart people are doing it.” As I’ve extensively documented over the last 15 years on this blog, smart people in groups are not smart and are even more subject to crazes and mob behavior as everyone else. Noodle theory, nanotech, quantum computing: plenty of examples in history of large groups of smarty pants people marching off a cliff. The same holds true for actual technological trends. I think LLMs are overrated magic-8 ball word predictors, autonomous vehicles are mostly vaporware Potemkin technologies, and we’re never going to replace internal combustion engine cars with electric golf carts, no matter how many dumb imac screens you put in them because batteries contain 20-100x less energy density than guzzoline and the grid won’t support it. These are unpopular opinions which non-thinking “smart” people will scoff at due to the ideology of continual progress (which these dorks haven’t noticed has failed for 50 years, hypnotized by their fuggin screens). Yet, my track record is better than non-thinking “smart” people because I think about things rather than uncritically accept what “smart” people tell me. It’s useful to consider the record of non-thinking “smart” word-regurgitators on a few technological examples.


  • K9 Hurricane, the most decorated dog in US history, has died

    A former Special Operations Canine with the U.S. Secret Service, K9 Hurricane became the nation’s most decorated dog for taking down a White House intruder in 2014 when then-President Obama and his family were inside. Hurricane was medically retired in 2016 due to the injuries he sustained during the incident. In recognition of his valor, Hurricane received numerous honors, including the United States Secret Service Award for Merit, the Department of Homeland Security Award for Valor, the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) Order of Merit, and the American Medical Center Top Dog. He also made history as the first dog to receive the Animals in War and Peace Distinguished Service Medal, which earned him a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. Hurricane and Mirarchi were also awarded the Secretary’s Award for Valor by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson for their efforts in protecting the Obama family.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Nietzsche's "On the Genealogy of Morality" - by Santi

    In the most TL;DR manner, Nietzsche argues for a life of passions and instincts, integrity and strength. He believes our value system based on Christian values is ultimately ascetic, leading to an anti-life stance. He sees humankind as animals first, cultural beings second. He thinks society tames the beast within in order to live in harmony, at a great cost.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Minnesota Grad Student Expelled for Allegedly Using AI Is Suing School

  • Studies correlating IQ to genius are mostly bad science

  • Stem Accreditor Drops DEIA from Its Standards

  • The Secret That Colleges Should Stop Keeping

    It is a basic fact of American life, so widely known that it hardly needs to be said: College is getting ever more unaffordable. In survey after survey, Americans say that the cost of getting a degree just keeps rising. But this basic fact of life is not a fact at all. In reality, Americans are paying less for college, on average, than they were a decade ago. Since the 2014–15 school year, the cost of attending a public four-year university has fallen by 21 percent, before adjusting for inflation, according to College Board data analyzed by Judith Scott-Clayton, a professor of economics and education at Columbia University’s Teachers College. (Nearly three-quarters of American college students attend a public institution.) The cost of attending a private university has risen in raw terms over the same time period, but is down 12 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars. Once tax benefits are factored in, according to a recent Brookings Institution analysis, the average American is paying the same amount for tuition as they were in the 1990s. “People have it in their heads that prices just keep going up, up, up,” Sandy Baum, a nonresident senior fellow at the Urban Institute, told me. “And that’s actually not what’s happening.”

    The confusion comes from the idiosyncratic way in which college is priced. Schools set a staggering official price that only a subset of the wealthiest students pay in full. Universities rely on that money to offer financial aid to low-income students; in effect, rich families subsidize the cost of attendance for everyone else.

  • BishopBlog: IEEE Has a Pseudoscience Problem

    world-class research can coexist with world-class nonsense. Many not-so-top IEEE venues publish “AI gobbledegook sandwiches”, pointless papers that apply standard machine learning or artificial intelligence to basic data sets resulting in vague predictions supposedly improving on ill-defined baselines. Unfortunately, bad science published by IEEE isn’t limited to boring applications of boring algorithms to boring data. In this blog post, I’ll present IEEE-published pseudoscience of various kinds, show how this correlates with other problems, and discuss why publishers don’t do enough about it.

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • But good sir, what is electricity? - lcamtuf’s thing

  • The DOS 3.3 SYS.COM Bug Hunt!

    • When in doubt about what it is working with (which is always true of a hard drive) DOS 3.3 SYS.COM will try to use the Generic IOCTL call to get the BPB of the device instead of just reading it directly from the first sector.
    • DOS 3.3 SYS.COM has a bug where it fails to check the return code from Generic IOCTL. This causes it to write garbage to the BPB of the media when it happens.

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Left Angst
