
rationalist saints, aligning corporate and State interests, Pope in critical condition, hot GPUs sell out, stolen billions, "the Science" doth protest mightily, cannibal released, useless drugs


  • Lives Of The Rationalist Saints - by Scott Alexander

    St. Felix publicly declared that he believed with 79% probability that COVID had a natural origin. He was brought before the Emperor, who threatened him with execution unless he updated to 100%. When St. Felix refused, the Emperor was impressed with his integrity, and said he would release him if he merely updated to 90%. St. Felix refused again, and the Emperor, fearing revolt, promised to release him if he merely rounded up one percentage point to 80%. St. Felix cited Tetlock’s research showing that the last digit contained useful information, refused a third time, and was crucified.

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Left Angst

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp