

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Former CIA agent: The truth about manipulation - Big Think

    Generally, we think people who manipulate us are bad guys, but people who motivate us are heroes, but the truth is far more complex, argues Bustamante. “The skills that go into both motivation and manipulation are almost the same skills. The same level of persuasion, the same level of influence, the same level of charisma and dynamic creative thinking drives us to both be manipulated and be motivated.”

    • I would add 'Marketing" as well.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • VoWiFi with Asterisk - Open Source IMS Client - Open Source Mobile Communications

    Using this IMS-enabled version of asterisk and a SIM card in a smart card reader, you can make and receive voice calls using a cell phone number/subscription - without using any cell phone, cell phone network or even VoWiFi whatsoever. The IMS-enabled asterisk will establish an IP connection to the ePDG (evolved packet data gateway) of the cellular operator via any form of wired or wireless Internet access.

  • Killing Mosquitoes With Freaking Drones, And Sonar

    The angular resolution that you can resolve with a beam-forming array is limited by the distance between the microphone elements, and traditional ultrasonic devices like we use in cars are kinda bulky. So here comes a hack: the TDK T3902 MEMS microphones work just fine up into the ultrasound range, even though they’re designed for human hearing. Combining 380 of these in a very tightly packed array, and pushing all of their parallel data into an FPGA for computation, lead to the LeSonar2. Bigger transducers put out ultrasound pulses, the FPGA does some very intense filtering and combining of the output of each microphone, and the resulting 3D range data is sent out over USB.

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • With No Immigration, US Population Will Fall Over 30% by 2100 | RealClearPolitics

    In the high case, which assumes approximately 1.5 million new immigrants each year, the population continues to grow for the remainder of the century, reaching 435 million by 2100. That represents an annual growth rate of approximately 0.033%. However, it is important to note that the growth rate gradually declines over that period and approaches zero by the end of the century. In the low case, which assumes about 500,000 new immigrants each year, the population peaks in 2043 at just under 346 million, representing a 2.8% increase from the current population. By the end of the century, the population will fall to 319 million, a 5% drop.

    But the scenario that really caught my attention was the zero immigration projection. In this scenario, the U.S. population is projected to have already peaked and will decline by over 30% by 2100, reaching approximately 225 million. That is approximately the U.S. population in 1980. After 2040, the population is expected to decline by approximately 1 million residents annually. By the end of the century, the loss is estimated to be over 2 million annually.

  • San Francisco folks are installing bus stops because the city failed to do it

  • Speaker Johnson floats eliminating Fed courts as GOP ramps up attacks on judges

    • Well, lessee; it was OK to publish their addresses and protest at their homes and follow their families around just a few months ago; so how much worse can the "attacks on judges" get really?



  • Biden's Perjury - by Techno Fog - The Reactionary

    while this matter has concluded, and while Biden fades into obscurity (the Democrats don’t miss him), we thought his written responses deserved publication. It would have been nice to not have to deal with over a year of government delays - even with ongoing litigation - but this is the hand we’re dealt.

Left Angst

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • US rejects Colorado River water request from Mexico in first since 1944

  • US visit to Greenland is unacceptable, Danish prime minister says

  • The Army wants to get the load soldiers carry down to 55 pounds

  • Secretive Chinese network tries to lure fired federal workers

  • (PDF) Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community

    Both state and nonstate actors pose multiple immediate threats to the Homeland and U.S. national interests. Terrorist and transnational criminal organizations are directly threatening our citizens. Cartels are largely responsible for the more than 52,000 U.S. deaths from synthetic opioids in the 12 months ending in October 2024 and helped facilitate the nearly three million illegal migrant arrivals in 2024, straining resources and putting U.S. communities at risk. A range of cyber and intelligence actors are targeting our wealth, critical infrastructure, telecom, and media. Nonstate groups are often enabled, both directly and indirectly, by state actors, such as China and India as sources of precursors and equipment for drug traffickers. State adversaries have weapons that can strike U.S. territory, or disable vital U.S. systems in space, for coercive aims or actual war. These threats reinforce each other, creating a vastly more complex and dangerous security environment.

    Russia, China, Iran and North Korea—individually and collectively—are challenging U.S. interests in the world by attacking or threatening others in their regions, with both asymmetric and conventional hard power tactics, and promoting alternative systems to compete with the United States, primarily in trade, finance, and security. They seek to challenge the United States and other countries through deliberate campaigns to gain an advantage, while also trying to avoid direct war. Growing cooperation between and among these adversaries is increasing their fortitude against the United States, the potential for hostilities with any one of them to draw in another, and pressure on other global actors to choose sides.

Health / Medicine

  • Ethically sourced “spare” human bodies could revolutionize medicine | MIT Technology Review

    Recent advances in biotechnology now provide a pathway to producing living human bodies without the neural components that allow us to think, be aware, or feel pain. Many will find this possibility disturbing, but if researchers and policymakers can find a way to pull these technologies together, we may one day be able to create “spare” bodies, both human and nonhuman. Pluripotent stem cells, one of the earliest cell types to form during development, can give rise to every type of cell in the adult body. Recently, researchers have used these stem cells to create structures that seem to mimic the early development of actual human embryos. At the same time, artificial uterus technology is rapidly advancing, and other pathways may be opening to allow for the development of fetuses outside of the body. By integrating these different technologies and using established genetic techniques to inhibit brain development, it is possible to envision the creation of “bodyoids”— a potentially unlimited source of human bodies,

  • Risk of Becoming Allergic to Meat After a Tick Bite May Be Higher Than Thought