"Seasons" are a nuisance, it would so much easier if the pipples that like cold could live where its cold, and the pipples that like warm can live where it's not cold; and those places would not be hither and yon on this wobbly schedule.
Life would be so much better if we could straighten the Earth's axis, eliminating the annual variations in seasons, day length, etc.
The benefits that would accrue to the world are innumerable. Year-round agriculture will be possible for more of the planet. Astronomy will be vastly simplified. The space industries will lose layers of complications in their communications protocols.
The efficiency of fixed position solar panel installations will rise. This alone may be able to justify the costs of this project.
How exactly this goal could be accomplished still requires study. Earthquakes can alter the position of the Earth relative to the sun. I don't think that a single big quake would do it, it will probably take a finely calculated, carefully applied series of nudges to straighten things out.
We're still working on the plan. There may be a certain amount of re-arranging of the coastlines and urban renewal. If necessary; we can always relocate people and sell condo developments on the new shorelines.
It may be possible to use impetus from the relocation of the moon to reorient the Earth.