

  • The Honest Troubleshooting Code of Conduct

    I heard from a couple of people that they thought they were losing their minds because they seemed to be surrounded by people in the company who kept crapping on them for trying to fix things. They thought they were all alone in this, and then some person reached out with the invitation to the channel, and they realized that no, they were not alone.

    At least one of these folks told me over coffee and tea one day at the Philz down the street that "it probably kept them at the company longer" since it gave them faith that it could be brought around to doing good, solid and real work. They believed in the actual stated mission of the company and just wanted to deliver on that as much as possible without being treated like a child by other children.


  • Using online ads to spot human trafficking | Newsroom - McGill University

    The test data set contained actual ads placed by human traffickers. The information in these ads is sensitive and kept private to protect the victims of human trafficking, so the team could not publish examples of the activities identified or the data set itself. This meant that other researchers could not verify their work. To remedy this, the team looked for public data sets they could use to test InfoShield that mimicked what the algorithm looked for in human trafficking data: text and the similarities in it. They turned to Twitter, where they found a trove of text and similarities in that text created by bots.

  • Digital Horses Are the Talk of the Crypto World


  • Steve Finberg, W1GSL, SK - Western Massachusetts ARRL

    Steve started the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology electronics flea market in 1985 and ran it up continuously until October 2019. That was 35 years, 8 shows a year, always the third Sunday of the month, April through October. I don’t recall it ever being canceled. An outstanding accomplishment!

Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship