

  • NASA’s asteroid-deflecting test mission is just 1 month away from impact.

  • Someone won the $1.34B Mega Millions prize. But they haven't claimed it

  • The Missing Chinese Machine Revolution - by Erik Engheim

    Preparing these paddies is labour intensive. It must be perfectly level; otherwise, some rice plants will get too little or too much water. Farmers must make sure the subsoil is impermeable by adding clay, for instance. One needs a complex system of canals and ditches to channel water to the paddy and maintain water levels. While the rice is growing, there is a lot of work with weeding. One could say that rice growing is a skill oriented cultivation method, while wheat growing is more about more land and machinery. The complexity of growing rice that I elaborated on simple does not apply to wheat growing.

  • On Tea and the Art of Doing Nothing - by Thomas J Bevan

    It is a rare person who can do nothing- purely and without guilt- especially in our current culture of busywork. Even meditation- which is ostensibly the practise of doing nothing- is now timebound and purpose-driven, is reduced to another metric to be tallied, another endeavour to be gamed and hacked for the purpose of improvement and getting a leg up on the supposed competition. The situation would be funny were it not so sad. It would be a deliciously ironic ruse were the app subscribing meditators not so deadly serious in their can’t-see-the-wood-for-the-trees pursuit of being enlightened, or centred, or at one with themselves or whatever it is that the airport self-help books are touting as the benefits of meditation in this year’s rebranding of it.

  • Two Air France pilots were suspended after coming to blows in the cockpit

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • (Feb 2022) Who needs High School English when you can have Social Justice instead? | Monster Hunter Nation

    None of this enables kids to write better. On the contrary, it creates mushy, indoctrinated, check box writing. Where rather than communicate ideas effectively and evocatively, they walk on eggshells, too afraid of violating some leftist shibboleth to actually come out and say what they mean. We see this in the real world every day, where any ideas which go against the prevailing cultural narrative are met with performative outrage.

  • “Is there a heuristic we might use to identify and flag questionable papers?”

  • The Fall of ‘Nature’

  • On the wisdom of the historians - by Noah Smith

    I am not claiming that these analogies are misplaced or that these predictions and recommendations are wrong. I am merely recognizing that historical analogies, when used as these historians do to make either predictions and/or recommendations for the present, are social-science theories.

    And theories ought to be subject to empirical tests. To go back to Deveraux’s theory of would-be tyrants, what are we to make of Richard Nixon stepping down and leaving politics? Or the historical list of dictators who gave up power? Or other would-be leaders who had dictatorial aspirations but who gave them up and went into other lines of work? Before we conclude that “would-be tyrants keep trying until they succeed”, we should rigorously and systematically check the historical record to see if we could identify, ex ante, a set of characteristics that allowed us to predict who would keep trying to seize power and who would give up.

Crypto con games

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania