
Pestilence / Pox / COVID / VaxCult

  • Public health experts went on Twitter between May to October 2022 and promoted blatant misinformation about MonkeyPox

    We don’t have an explanation for why there was such an imbalance between the number of inaccurate and accurate tweets. What’s more puzzling is that many inaccurate tweets were tweeted late in the summer (see timeline below) after there were numerous published studies describing how cases were clustered in men aged 30-40 who were mainly a part of the MSM community. This begs the question: why did perceived experts in public health and medicine feel that schools were a high-risk setting?

    Public health experts went on Twitter during peak monkeypox, and told school kids to wear masks or maybe close school entirely, rather than telling gay men to limit new sexual partners or seek vaccination. These lies travelled around the world, while the truth was lacing up its shoes.

    Public health experts complain that misinformation and rogue actors have destroyed their credibility, but our investigation suggests they are doing a fine job of destroying their credibility themselves.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security